Can Dogs Eat Coconut?

Can Dogs Eat Coconut?

Author WDF Staff


Coconut is one of the things that is getting very popular in the pet industry. One look at the product shelf, and you will see there are plenty of products that contain coconut. From dog shampoo to dog treats, coconut is a popular ingredient. However, can dogs eat coconut? Wouldn’t feeding your dog a raw coconut have the same effect? Well, here is what you should know about giving your dog coconut.

Are coconuts safe for dogs?

The shortest possible answer to the question, “Is coconut safe for dogs?” would be - yes. However, it contains medium-chain triglycerides that can cause gastrointestinal upsets and bloating in dogs. It is safe, but before you decide to share some coconut meat with your dog, make sure you call your vet and ask for advice. They can tell you all you need to know about giving coconut to your dog and will know your dog’s medical history.

When it comes to giving coconuts to your dog, the potential benefits outweigh the risks.

coconut meat

Is coconut good for dogs?

When you decide to introduce a new ingredient in your dog’s diet, that ingredient should have a purpose. It makes no sense to give your dog something they won’t benefit from. Sure, your dog might enjoy the taste, but that gives little comfort if your dog has health issues from that ingredient. Luckily, if given in controlled amounts, coconuts can be very beneficial for your dogs. Here are some of the best benefits coconuts can offer our dogs;

Immune system boost

Unfortunately, coconuts don’t heal any diseases, but they are beneficial in a different way. Some studies proved coconuts have anti-viral properties. Coconuts will provide extra defense against microbes, bacteria, parasites, and fungi. They might not cure diseases, but they can certainly help keep your dog healthy and help them recover faster.

Reduces inflammation

Coconuts are packed with lauric acid. That is a medium-chain fatty acid that has many benefits to offer. Lauric acid is excellent for fighting ringworms, Giardia, viruses, and yeast infections. However, the best thing about it is that it has anti-inflammatory properties. It greatly helped reduce swelling, which in turn speeds up healing. Coconuts are great for healing hot spots, arthritis, and wounds.

cracked coconut

Good for skin

The benefits coconut oil provides the skin are already well-known, but consuming coconut meat can have the same effect. Coconuts are highly beneficial to the dog’s skin health. Vets often recommend it in cases of yeast infections, allergies, hot spots, dry skin, and flea infestations. The fatty acids in coconuts promote healthy skin and coat.

Can coconuts be bad for dogs?

If the dog consumes too much coconut meat, it can affect their gastrointestinal tract. You should be careful about the amount of coconut you give to your dog. Plus, some dogs can be allergic to it, so before you start freely giving coconut to your dog, give them only a tiny piece and see how they react. If you notice signs of gastrointestinal distress, you should not give any more coconuts to your dog.

How to safely give coconut to your dog?

Coconuts are not something your dog absolutely needs in their diet. However, many dogs enjoy the taste, and there are some health benefits your dog can get from eating coconuts. If you decide to introduce coconuts to your dog’s diet, you should know how to serve them safely.

open coconuts

There are several options available in retail markets, and you should know that sweetened coconut meat is not safe for dogs. Sweetened coconuts can contain things that are not safe for dogs and can cause digestive issues. Give your dog only unsweetened, natural coconut meat. Make sure you don’t overdo it because coconuts are high in calories. Too much of it can lead to weight gain and obesity. Coconuts also contain medium-chain triglycerides, which can cause gastrointestinal upsets if you give too much coconut meat to your dog.

Another way to introduce coconut to your dog’s diet is to serve edible coconut oil to your dog. You can mix it in their usual kibble, but make sure you measure the safe amount. You can read more about it here - What is the best coconut oil for your dog?

In conclusion

Coconuts can be great for dogs. They offer many benefits for the dog’s immune system, skin, coat, and digestion system. Coconuts have anti-inflammatory properties, so they make excellent supplements for dogs with arthritis. Before you feed coconuts to your dog, you should check with your vet and ask for their permission. Control the amount your dog consumes, and make sure you don’t overdo it with coconuts.

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