Can Dogs Eat Raspberries - Here Are Some Risks to Avoid

Can Dogs Eat Raspberries - Here Are Some Risks to Avoid

Author WDF Staff


Dogs love eating different fruits and veggies. As dog owners, it can be a bit confusing remembering which are safe for dogs and which should be avoided. If you are like us and you love raspberries, you probably wondered, “Can dogs eat raspberries?” The good news is - YES, dogs can eat raspberries. However, there are some risks that come with feeding your dog raspberries. Here is what you should know about it;

Are raspberries good for dogs?

Yes, raspberries are good for dogs, but only if you give them in moderation. They are especially good for senior dogs that might have joint issues. Raspberries have unique anti-inflammatory properties that can help older dogs alleviate joint pain and discomfort. Of course, they can’t replace glucosamine supplements, but they can be an excellent addition to your dog’s usual diet. Here are some of the best things raspberries offer our dogs;

  • Vitamin C - Vitamin C is an essential vitamin every dog needs. It helps build and repair body tissue and keeps bones, cartilages, and teeth healthy.
  • Vitamin K - Vitamin K plays a vital role in hormone production. It helps with blood clotting and keeps bones healthy and strong.
  • B-complex vitamins - B vitamins are essential for healthy bodies. They are essential for overall well-being and impact brain functions, cell metabolism, and energy levels.
  • Fiber - Raspberries are packed with dietary fiber, which is essential for proper digestion. It helps with diarrhea and constipation. Plus, fiber will keep your dog feel full, so it can be used as a weight-loss solution.
  • Antioxidants - One of the best things about feeding your dog raspberries is the high antioxidant count. Antioxidants help fight free radicals that cause cancer.
  • Manganese - Manganese is not the only mineral in raspberries, but it is undoubtedly one that has the highest values. It helps the dog’s body with the metabolism of carbs, proteins, amino acids, and glucose.

Can dogs have raspberries?

It is clear to see that raspberries offer our dogs plenty of benefits regular fruits and veggies don’t. However, there are some risks when it comes to giving your dog this delicious, small, red fruit - xylitol. It might sound weird because xylitol is a sweetener added to foods instead of sugar. However, raspberries have the highest xylitol content of any fruit.

You don’t have to worry about xylitol in raspberries if you give them to your dog in moderation. However, if your dog gets ahold of many raspberries while you are not close, it would be a good idea to call your vet and ask for advice. Foods packed with xylitol should not be given to dogs under any circumstances, and you should avoid them at all costs. It is safe for humans to eat, but large quantities of xylitol can lead to hypoglycemia and liver disease in dogs.

raspberries and strawberries on a spoon

There are other potential problems when it comes to giving your dog raspberries. If your dog overeats on raspberries, they can experience gastrointestinal issues. This is not unique for this fruit; all dietary indiscretions will cause the same problems for your dog. Your dog might get;

Raspberries are safe for dogs, but you should give them to your dog in moderation. Make sure you don’t overdo it.

How to include raspberries in the dog’s diet?

There are different ways you can include raspberries in your dog’s diet, and the only limit is your cooking imagination. You can simply add a few raspberries to your dog’s food bowl, or you can make fruit smoothies. Add fruit smoothies to the dog’s usual food and watch them enjoy their surprising meal.

raspberry closeup

One of the great ways you can add raspberries to your dog’s diet is by making frozen raspberry treats. This is especially good for hot summer days when we all could use a bit of cooling off. All you will need is plain Greek yogurt, a blender, and raspberries.


Clean the raspberries before you blend them. You want to remove potential bugs or pesticides this fruit might have been treated with. Put the low-fat yogurt and raspberries into the blender and mix until they are perfectly smooth. Some owners add other fruits as well; you can add bananas, apples, or even a tiny bit of honey.

After you mixed everything together, pour the content into an ice cube tray. Place the tray in the freezer for 12 hours, and you will have frozen raspberry dog treats your dog can enjoy. Not only will they get all the benefits raspberries have to offer, but they will also get some much-needed refreshment.

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