Are Apples Good for Dogs?

Are Apples Good for Dogs?

Author WDF Staff


Dogs love sharing our food. There are human foods that are safe for our dogs, and some our dogs should avoid. Luckily, apples are safe for dogs. If you ever wondered, “Can dogs have apples?” you will be glad to hear you can freely share some of this delicious fruit with your dog. Here is what you should know about giving apples to dogs.

Can dogs eat apples?

The shortest answer is - YES. However, not all parts of it are safe to give to your dog. This tasty fruit is packed with healthy nutrients, and your dog will reap different benefits from eating apples. The good news is - most dogs love the taste of apples, so it shouldn’t be a problem adding apples to your dog’s diet.

apple on table

Are apples good for dogs?

Yes, apples are really good for your dog. They are packed with nutrients dogs and humans can benefit from. You probably heard the popular expression, “An apple a day will keep the doctor away!” There is some truth to that, and it also works for keeping the vet away. By eating apples, your dog will get vitamins, carbs, minerals, and fiber. Here are some of the best things apples have to offer our dogs and us;

  • Vitamin C - Vitamin C is widely known as being a great supporter of our immune system. It works the same for our dogs. Plus, vitamin C plays a vital role in growing and repairing body tissue, absorbing iron, producing collagen, and maintaining cartilage, bones, and teeth.
  • Vitamin A - This is another essential vitamin for your dog’s body. Vitamin A helps the reproductive and immune systems work properly. It also keeps the lungs, brain, and kidneys remain healthy and work correctly.
  • Vitamin K - Vitamin K is necessary for many proteins involved in blood clotting and bone tissue production. It should be included in your dog’s regular food, but additional vitamin K won’t do any harm.
  • Fiber - Dietary fiber is necessary for proper digestion. It restores balance to dogs with gastrointestinal issues and can help with diarrhea and constipation. You can read more about it here - Best fiber sources for dogs.
  • Calcium - The importance of calcium is widely known. It is an essential mineral that your dog will need for building and maintaining strong bones and teeth.
  • Phosphorus - Phosphorus is another important mineral that helps build and maintain bones, but it also helps the body’s carbs and fats usage.
  • Antioxidant - Antioxidants are natural body protectors. They will protect the body from free radicals, which cause cancer. They are great for dogs and humans.

Can dogs have green apples?

Yes, all apples are safe for dogs to eat. The taste is slightly different, but they are equally healthy. Some dogs even prefer one type of apple, like green apples, over the other types. They have taste preferences, and even though it seems they will eat about anything, dogs actually prefer some tastes over others.

green apple

When we are talking about green apples, we are talking about a specific variety. This doesn’t mean dogs should eat apples that are not ripe and ready to eat. You should not give unripe apples to dogs because they can cause gastrointestinal upset and tummy troubles. Safe green apples for dogs are Granny Smith, Newtown Pippin Heirloom, Pound Sweet, Crispin, etc.

Can apples be bad for dogs?

Anything you give your dog in excess can be bad for them. Apples are healthy and safe for dogs, but if you overfeed your dog on apples, they can experience certain health problems. As a general rule, treats and other alternative calorie sources should never be more than 10% of your dog’s daily calory intake. Some problems apples can cause your dog are;

You should not give all parts of apples to dogs. Seeds should not be given to dogs. They contain traces of cyanide, which is very toxic to dogs. Apple cores are hard to chew, and your dog might swallow them forcefully. They can cause blockage, which will result in constipation. The three things you should avoid are stems, cores, and seeds.

Overfeeding is not good because apples have high natural sugar content. That is what makes them so delicious. However, eating foods with high sugars can result in decaying teeth, gaining weight, and diabetes. So make sure you control the number of apples your dog eats. If you have a small dog, give them a smaller amount. Make sure it doesn’t become more than 10% of your dog’s daily calorie intake. Treat apples as healthy dog treats, and make sure you don’t overuse them.

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