How to Safely Feed Peanuts to Your Dog?

How to Safely Feed Peanuts to Your Dog?

Author WDF Staff


Most dog owners know that dogs have a not-so-hidden adoration towards peanut butter. It would be safe to assume that peanuts are safe for dogs, right? However, peanuts and peanut butter are not the same, even though peanut butter is made from peanuts. If you ever wondered whether or not dogs can have peanuts, you probably already know the answer.

It is a good thing you are looking into this issue because you are concerned about your dog’s health, which is one of the characteristics good dog owners share. The shortest possible answer would be - yes, dogs can eat peanuts.

The real question is what type of peanuts are safe for dogs and how to safely give them this delicious treat without causing them harm or tummy problems. Here is what you need to know about dogs eating peanuts.

Are peanuts safe for dogs?

When it comes to feeding your dog peanuts, you should know what kind is safe for them to eat. You want to avoid the famous human bar-treat - the salted peanut. They contain an unhealthy amount of salt for dogs. High sodium levels can cause different problems for your dog if they are ingested in large quantities.

peanut butter on spoon

Raw or dry roasted peanuts are safe for dogs. They are the safest option, and you should know which nutrients peanuts contain and how they should benefit your dog. Raw peanuts contain:

  • Vitamin B6 - This vitamin complex is great for using and storing energy from protein and carbohydrates, and it helps the body produce hemoglobin.
  • Vitamin E - Vitamin E acts as an antioxidant and helps defend cells from harmful free radicals.
  • Niacin - Niacin is also called vitamin B3, and it helps keep the nervous system, skin, and digestive system healthy.
  • Protein - Protein is the base of all well-balanced diets, and it helps repair and create muscle, skin, and other tissue. It is also a great energy source.
  • Healthy fats - Healthy or monounsaturated fats are good for health. They lower the risk of stroke, heart disease and lower blood cholesterol levels.

It is pretty clear that peanuts are full of healthy nutrients, but still, you need to be careful when feeding your dog peanuts. In moderate amounts, peanuts are great for dogs.

Do you know what fruits are good for dogs? Check out this article - Healthy Fruits That Are Safe For Dogs.

Can peanuts be bad for dogs?

If you are careful, your dog will enjoy this delicious treat. However, some owners can be a bit reckless and give their dogs peanuts that could be potentially harmful to their dogs. Here is what you need to know about potential dangers.

Salted and spiced peanuts

If you decide to give your dog peanuts, you should avoid salted or spiced peanuts at all costs. Salt is unhealthy for your dog, and if they get their paws on a large number of salted peanuts, you should call your vet. Spices are also unhealthy for dogs, especially very hot spices. They can cause gastrointestinal bleeding and severe stomach problems. It can even be fatal in the worst-case scenarios.

peanuts on table


Xylitol poses a severe threat to your dog. It is commonly found in different human products such as toothpaste or even some pre-packed peanuts. You need to make sure your dog doesn’t ingest it because it can have dire consequences. Several peanut butter brands contain xylitol, so make sure you have checked ingredients before you give any to your dog.

Too many peanuts

Peanuts may be beneficial to your dog, but overfeeding can be a problem. Peanuts are rich in good fats, but they are still fats. If your dog eats too many peanuts, it can cause some health issues like an upset stomach. If your dog eats too much and over a long period, it can end up with a severe case of pancreatitis. You can read more about this health problem here - Pancreatitis in dogs.

Unsafe nuts

Not all nuts we can eat are safe for dogs, nor should dogs have any. Some nuts can be very toxic to dogs, and as a dog owner who wants to feed their dog peanuts, you should know how to do it safely. Here are some nuts you should never-ever feed your dog:

  • Pistachio
  • Macadamia nuts
  • Almonds
  • Walnuts
  • Pecan


Peanuts are one of the most common allergens, and they can affect humans and dogs. If you give your dog peanuts for the first time, make sure you keep a close eye on them for any allergic reactions. Allergy symptoms include:

  • Coughing
  • Panting
  • Fever
  • Swelling
  • Sneezing
  • Breathing problems
  • Hives

If any of these symptoms start showing, it is time to stop feeding your dog peanuts or peanut butter and call your vet at once. Let them know your dog is having an allergic reaction to peanuts, and you are on your way.


One additional thing that needs to be accounted for is peanut shells. Dogs will have many problems digesting them, and you should remove their shells before feeding them to your dog.

How to safely feed peanuts to your dog?

The safest way to feed your dog peanuts is raw or dry-roasted. Avoid salt and spice, and make sure there aren’t any toxic ingredients if you opt for peanut butter. Some owners decide to make their own peanut butter to control the amount of fat and oil their dog will ingest.

Remember to always ask your vet for advice before feeding your dog anything new.

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