Healthy Fruits That Are Safe For Dogs

Healthy Fruits That Are Safe For Dogs

Author WDF Staff


Giving our dogs a healthy diet is the most important thing we as dog owners should do, and giving our dogs delicious treats in the form of healthy fruits that are safe for dogs can be a massive bonus for them.

Surely, most of us are familiar with the expression “you are what you eat,” and there is an undeniable truth that lies behind that expression. This expression is not only true for humans, but for dogs as well. There is a vast selection of dog foods available in pet stores in our physical world and in online shops in the virtual world. Most industrial foods are pretty well-balanced and will provide your dog with all the necessary nutrients they will require to live a healthy life.

It seems like your dog will never get bored of their usual food, but rewarding them with sweet fruits as treats can have health benefits for them. Here is the list of popular fruits that are not only safe for dogs but give them a health boost.

1. Apples 

Apples are arguably the most popular fruit in the world. Not only is it delicious, but it is also full of nutrients that have health benefits for humans and for dogs. They are incredibly healthy for your dog, and the best way to feed your dog apples is to cut them into pieces or slices or make a smoothie with Greek yogurt and a tiny bit of honey. Never feed your dog the apple seeds because they contain cyanide, which is poisonous for dogs and humans.

It is excellent to know that most dogs love apples. Instead of feeding them constantly with doggy treats, think about giving your dog apples as a healthy alternative. Apples are a great source of:

  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin K
  • Fiber
  • Calcium
  • Phosphorus
  • Potassium

red apples on table

Like with any other thing in your pet’s life, you want to feed your dog carefully and not overdue with only one fruit. Too many apples can give your dog health problems like diarrhea and stomachache.

2. Banana

Bananas are another fruit that is going to be an excellent choice for your dog. They are healthy and a great source of essential nutrients every living body needs. Most dogs love bananas, and if you are not careful, they can easily slip past your gaze and grab ahold of your unguarded banana. In proper dosage, bananas will provide your dog with:

  • Vitamin B6
  • Biotin
  • Magnesium
  • Vitamin C
  • Fiber
  • Potassium
  • Copper
  • Manganese

sliced banana

Don’t overfeed your dog on bananas because too much of it can cause problems. Bananas are rich in natural sugars, and dogs don’t handle them well. Give your large dog half a banana per day, and your small dog 3 small pieces maximum.

Wondering if your dog can have watermelon? Check out this article.

3. Strawberries

Who doesn’t love this delicious little red fruit? They are everyone’s favorite summer treat, and we can certainly understand why. These nutrient-packed berries are the best during summer, and they need good weather to become ripe and juicy. Make sure you give your dog only fresh strawberries; never feed them canned or strawberry syrup. Canned strawberries can contain harmful ingredients that can seriously hurt your dog. Fresh strawberries will give your dog:

  • Vitamin C
  • Fiber
  • Antioxidant
  • HDL (good) cholesterol
  • Low in calories
  • Sodium-free
  • Manganese


If you decide to give your dog strawberries, there are safe ways you can serve them. Make sure you wash them carefully first and cut them into small pieces, so your dog doesn’t accidentally choke on them. As a fun twist to their usual meal, you can blend them with a bit of fat-free yogurt and mix them with their meal.

Ever thought of feeding your dog pineapple? Check this article and make sure it is safe.

4. Oranges 

Humans love oranges. We eat them raw, dried, in sweets, canned, and make one of our favorite drinks from it - orange juice. As a dog owner, you probably wondered, “Can my dog eat oranges?” Before you decide to give your dog oranges, there are things you should know. Yes, your dog can have oranges, but only tiny bits. This delicious fruit is rich in sugars, and if your dog overeats on it, it can cause gastrointestinal problems. When given to your dog moderately, oranges can have health benefits, and they are full of:

  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin B6
  • Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)
  • Folate
  • Magnesium
  • Potassium
  • Calcium

orange on table

Make sure you don’t overfeed your dog on oranges; one type of food should never pass more than 10% of your dog’s overall diet, and that is significantly lower when it comes to oranges. If you have a medium-sized dog, give them 3 segments at max. Start with only a little bit and see how their stomach reacts.

5. Pears

Pears are a popular and delicious spring fruit; however, you serve them. They are healthy and tasty snacks that can have significant health benefits for us and our dogs. Generally, pears are safe for dogs, and your dog will most likely enjoy this sweet snack. Before you decide to feed your dog pears, there are some things you should know. Not every part of the pear is safe, and you should make sure that your dog never eats the stem or the seeds. Seeds contain a toxin called cyanide, and the stem is a choking hazard. If given correctly, pears can give your dog plenty of:

  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin K
  • Fiber
  • Potassium
  • Coppe


Before you decide to give your dog any new food, you should consult your vet. Start with giving your dog tiny pear slices and watch how they react, and if there aren’t any symptoms, you can safely feed your dog that fruit as a healthy treat or as a fun addition to their regular daily meal.

World Dog Finder team


