7 Reasons Why Your Dog Could Start Wheezing

7 Reasons Why Your Dog Could Start Wheezing

Author WDF Staff | Last updated: Dec 28 2023


Seeing your dog wheezing certainly can traumatize you as a dog owner. Wheezing happens when the dog cannot get the required air in his airway. There could be a lot of possible reasons why your dog is wheezing, and you must understand what is bothering him to help him.

Most common wheezing will last only a few seconds, and it will go by itself. If wheezing comes back more often and your dog is irritated, you must visit the clinic so your vet can examine your dog.

If you notice a dog wheezing with blueish gums, this could indicate that the dog is not getting enough oxygen, which can be a life-threatening situation. You will have to act quickly and rush to the nearby clinic.

Why could your dog start wheezing?

Many different things and health conditions can cause wheezing in dogs. Here are 7 of the most common ones

1. Foreign object

The first and most obvious reason your dog could start wheezing is if the foreign object is stuck in his airways. Dogs that usually like to chew different things are most in danger, especially the younger ones.

This is one dangerous situation because foreign objects could cause completely airways obstruct, and your dog could pass out because he is not getting enough oxygen. This problem should be addressed immediately.

If you do own a dog that is a chewer, you must always supervise him to secure nothing bad will happen.


2. Heart problems

Dogs that are diagnosed with congestive heart failure could potentially start wheezing because of all the fluid that is built up in their lungs. In most cases, wheezing connected to heart problems will happen in older dogs.

3. Allergies

Much like people, dogs could also experience allergies. Different things can cause allergies in our dogs, and some of them include

  • Dust
  • Pollen
  • Mites
  • Cigarette smoke

To prevent wheezing, you must address the dog's allergy and find the best medicine for it.

It can also happen that your dog develops seasonal allergies, but in this case, you can be sure that the wheezing will go away as soon as the allergy disappears.


RELATED: Dog Food Allergies: What Are They & How To Spot Them

4. Collapsed trachea

Certain dog breeds are prone to collapsed trachea because of their short noses. This problem will be treated with medication and the correct treatment. Most commonly, wheezing occurs when your dog is more active or more excited than usual.

Dogs diagnosed with collapsed trachea will not only wheeze but also can snore in their sleep.

5. Bronchitis

Bronchitis in dogs could happen for various reasons and conditions, but it can certainly cause wheezing. If your dog is wheezing because of bronchitis, you must take him to the vet to find the underlying condition that is bothering your dog.

Your dog could receive meds or steroids to treat the main problem.

6. Kennel Cough

Kennel cough is a very contagious respiratory disease, and one of the symptoms of this medical condition is wheezing. This condition can spread easily between dogs, mostly in kennels, dog parks, and grooming salons.

With the proper medication, kennel cough will be treated, and to completely eliminate this from your dog's life, proper vaccination is advised.


7. Infectious disease

Different infectious diseases could potentially cause problems for our dogs and cause wheezing. Parasites like heartworms, hookworms, roundworms, and nasal mites can be the main reason behind your dog's wheezing.

You must fully protect your dog from these nasty parasites to preserve your dog's health and prevent wheezing. If you are unsure how to do it and what product to use, talk to your vet because he may greatly assist you.

How is dog wheezing diagnosed?

For your vet to set the right diagnosis, he will need your help. You will have to remember everything about your dog wheezing – when it first started, how often it happens, how long it lasted etc.

When your vet learns all the information, and after a physical examination, he can set the proper diagnosis. Sometimes, your vet could demand additional testing, including blood work or x-rays.

What is the treatment for wheezing in dogs?

The treatment will solely depend on the main cause. If the foreign body is causing wheezing, your vet will have to sedate your dog to remove the item that is causing your dog problems.

In case of asthma or bronchitis, your vet could prescribe your dog some meds to control this condition, but he will also inform you of all the different things you can do to reduce the effect of asthma and bronchitis on him.

If the main cause is heart disease, depending on the severity of the problem, your vet could prescribe your dog some meds.

When to see a vet?

If wheezing happens only a few times, you have nothing to worry about, this is a normal thing that happens in dogs, and unless your dog starts to wheeze excessively, you are safe.

If you notice that your dog is having problems with breathing and is experiencing wheezing more often, you should contact your vet and schedule a meeting. It would be best for your dog's health to bring him to the clinic for some testing. Only that way you can be sure that nothing serious is bothering him.

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