Can Dogs Eat Cantaloupe?

Can Dogs Eat Cantaloupe?

Author WDF Staff


Your dog doesn’t care what you eat as long as you share a bit of your food with them. There is nothing cuter than your pup looking at you while you are having a snack. In this case, if you are having some cantaloupe and your dog wants a piece of it, you can safely share a little bit with them. If you were wondering, “Can dogs have cantaloupe?” the answer is - yes. Before you start sharing this delicious summer treat with your dog, here are some things you should know.

Is cantaloupe safe for dogs?

The shortest possible answer to that question is - yes. But like with all things introduced to your dog’s diet, it should be taken in smaller amounts. Whatever you decide to introduce into your dog’s diet, you should ask your vet for advice first. Even though cantaloupe should be safe, your dog might not react well to it.

cantaloupe on plate

Are there any benefits for my dog from eating cantaloupe?

Yes, cantaloupe is packed with beneficial, healthy nutrients that can do wonders for your dog’s health. Plus, most dogs seem to absolutely love the taste. One of the best ways to feed them cantaloupe is frozen, especially during the hot summer days. It will be a delicious way for your dog to cool down and enjoy a delicious treat. Here are the best things cantaloupe has to offer our dogs;

  • Fiber - Dietary fiber should be an essential part of a well-balanced diet. It is one of the best things dogs with diarrheas can get because fiber will add bulk to their stool and soak up the extra liquid.
  • Vitamin A - This is a vitamin present in many different foods. It is essential for the proper functioning of the immune system, vision, and reproduction.
  • Vitamin C - This is probably the most famous supplement many dogs and humans take. It is essential for building and repairing body tissue, and it boosts the immune system.
  • Potassium - This is one of the most important minerals our dogs can get. It helps regulate muscle and nerve signals, blood pressure, and liquid levels, helping prevent strokes, kidney stones, and osteoporosis.
  • Niacin - Niacin, or vitamin B, is essential for turning food into energy. It also keeps the nervous system, skin, and digestive system running smoothly and remaining healthy.
  • Folate - Folate is another part of the vitamin B family. It is essential for creating DNA and other genetic material.

Would you feed pineapple to your dog? Check out this article - Can Dogs Eat Pineapple?

Which parts of cantaloupe can my dog eat?

There are a few things you should be aware of before you feed your dog cantaloupe. There are three parts of this fruit, and only one is edible. The “meaty” middle part is safe, but only in moderation. Make sure your dog doesn’t eat too much because that can cause them some problems like:

The cantaloupe seeds are harmless, and unlike other seeds that can contain cyanide, they can be ingested. The only problem is that the seeds can cause intestinal blockage, and they present a choking hazard. Also, they don’t offer much nutritional value, so giving them to a dog doesn’t really make sense.

cantaloupe closeup

The second part of the cantaloupe that should be avoided is the rind. It is tough, and dogs cannot digest it. It poses a choking hazard and will cause an upset stomach. Make sure you thoroughly remove the seeds and the rind before you give your dog some cantaloupe.

If you want to include fruits in your dog’s diet, check out this article - Healthy Fruits That Are Safe For Dogs.

How to safely feed it to your dog?

When introducing fruits to your dog’s diet, think of it as giving them treats. Anything above 10% of their total food intake would not be the best idea. A few slices every now and then can be beneficial, but don’t give them too much because that can cause more problems than it solves.

Start by giving your dog a small piece of the fruit. First, you need to see if your dog will like the taste, and if they don’t, there is no need to force them. If they love the taste, you can give them a little piece of cantaloupe and see how they will react to the fruit. Don’t give in and give them more just because they love it. Make sure they don’t end up having an upset stomach and keep a close eye on allergy symptoms. Those will include:

  • Sneezing
  • Hives
  • Panting
  • Lethargy
  • Itching
  • Pawing
  • Fever
  • Coughing

One of the most popular summer treats is watermelon. Check out this article - Can Dogs Eat Watermelon?

Serving ideas

Depending on the size of your dog, you should cut the cantaloupe into small, bite-sized chunks that your dog can safely eat. You can always add some cantaloupe to plain greek yogurt and a drop of honey. Blend it all together and pour over their usual meal. Make sure you don’t give them too much in one sitting.

The second thing you can do is get a baking mold and pour the blended content into separate compartments. Freeze for 3 - 4 hours, and you will end up with a refreshing, healthy treat your dog will absolutely love.

Keep in mind that before you decide to add anything to your dog’s diet, you should ask your vet for advice. Generally, cantaloupe is safe for dogs, but your dog might have specific issues that might prevent them from eating it. It is better to be safe than sorry.

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