6 Helpful Tips How to Prevent Dog Diabetes

6 Helpful Tips How to Prevent Dog Diabetes

Author WDF Staff


When you decide to get a dog, you will almost certainly anticipate dealing with medical and health difficulties from time to time. When it comes to canine companionship, deworming, flea control, and regular vaccines are all standard procedures. Diabetes, on the other hand, is something you might not anticipate dealing with.

You could be forgiven for assuming that diabetes, which affects about 25 million Americans, is a disease that only affects humans. Diabetes does, however, affect dogs, with some breeds being more prone to the disease than others.

Fortunately, despite the lack of a cure, it is a condition that can be managed. However, preventing the disease is vastly preferable to attempting to treat it. Taking efforts to avoid diabetes in your dog will not only make them healthier, but it will also save you money and stress from having to treat their diabetes. Prevention is the best form of controlling the disease, and many owners are not sure how to do that. Keep on reading, and you will find out.

Which Dog Breeds Are More Likely To Develop Diabetes?

Some of the dog breeds that are more susceptible to canine diabetes include, but are not limited to:

cute senior boston terrier

Mixed and crossbreed dogs are also prone to diabetes, especially if they are overweight. According to some research, bitches are more likely to develop the disease as a result of changes in their reproductive hormones as they travel through the seasons.

What Can I Do to Keep My Dog From Getting Diabetes?

Although there is no guarantee that your canine companion will never develop diabetes, there are some things you can do to improve their overall health and lower their risk of developing the disease. Here are 6 helpful tips on how to prevent dog diabetes.

1. Keep up with regular vet checkups

Cushing's disease and pancreatitis are two disorders that can raise a dog's risk of acquiring diabetes. For routine exams and blood tests, follow your veterinarian's advice. If you observe a change in your dog's behavior, hunger, thirst, or urination, call your veterinarian to ensure it isn't an indication of something more serious.

2. Female dogs should be spayed.

Female canines with their reproductive organs intact are more prone to acquire diabetes. Progesterone levels rise after a dog gives birth or completes a heat cycle. These hormonal changes can raise a dog's chances of contracting the disease. Spaying your female dog reduces her chances of developing additional illnesses linked to high progesterone levels. One of them is pyometra, a uterine infection that can be accompanied by high blood sugar levels.

pug derp tongue

3. Keep Your Dog Active

Exercise can help prevent and treat diabetes by regulating blood sugar levels and reducing weight gain. Dogs, like people, require adequate exercise to burn off the calories they consume. It is advised that you walk your dog at least once a day. The distance of the walk is determined by the dog's age and health, as well as the weather. A healthy dog should be able to go for extended walks as long as the weather isn't too hot. An owner will tire out much sooner than a dog. Consider how wolves in the wild chase their prey to the ground.

4. Purchase High-Quality Dog Food

When it comes to prey, make sure your dog is consuming a high-quality diet. This will help them maintain a more steady blood sugar level than a diet rich in simple carbohydrates. Dog food does not have to be expensive; most standard brands provide adequate nourishment. You're probably fine as long as you're not getting the cheapest grocery store brand.

5. Don't Feed Your Dog Too Much

While current research does not show a link between obesity and the development of diabetes in dogs, weight management is an important element of diabetic disease management. Obesity is linked to various other health issues, so feeding dogs the proper amount is still crucial. Depending on their size and activity level, dogs should consume 20 to 30 calories per pound of bodyweight every day. Don't overfeed your dog with treats, and don't give them too much "human foods."

golden-retriever senior laying

WORLD DOG FINDER TIP: You're probably overfeeding them if you can't feel their ribs.

6. Make Fresh Fruits and Vegetables a Part of Your Dog’s Diet

Fresh fruits and veggies are delicious snacks or meal additions low in calories. Blood sugar spikes are not caused by the natural sugars found in fruits and vegetables. Add a topper of ground, gently cooked green vegetables like broccoli, kale, dandelion greens, or collards, and mix it with your dog’s usual dry kibble. These nutrients will increase the fiber content of the diet, which will help to moderate blood sugar variations. Before adding any fruits or vegetables to your dog's diet or making any significant dietary adjustments, check with your veterinarian if that is a viable option for your dog.

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