Can Dogs Eat Bell Peppers

Can Dogs Eat Bell Peppers

Author WDF Staff


If you are a dog owner, you probably noticed your dog loves begging for your food. It can get tricky knowing which human food is safe for dogs to eat, so it is a good idea to check specific things and ask yourself questions like, “Can dogs eat bell peppers?” Fortunately, bell peppers are one of the veggies that are delicious and very healthy for our dogs and us.

However, just throwing a bell pepper in your dog’s bowl is not the best idea. There are certain things you should know, like which part of bell peppers are safe for dogs to eat or what to do about the tiny seeds inside the peppers. Are they safe? Before you decide to give your dog bell peppers, here are a few things you should know.

Are bell peppers safe for dogs?

Let’s get the first question out of the way - Yes, bell peppers are safe for dogs to eat. They are nutritious, delicious, and healthy. If you are thinking about giving some bell peppers to your dog, you can be sure you will include something beneficial to your dog’s diet. Humans benefit from eating such healthy veggies, and dogs are no different in this case. Here are some of the best benefits bell peppers can offer our dogs and us;

  • Vitamin A - Vitamin A is one of the essential vitamins the dog’s body needs. It promotes brain, lungs, and kidney health. Plus, it will boost the dog’s immune system and play a vital role in their reproduction system.
  • Vitamin C - Vitamin C is the most essential vitamin dogs need. It plays a crucial role in different body functions. Some of them are collagen formation, iron absorption, wound healing, and boosting the immune system. It also keeps bones, teeth, and cartilages healthy.
  • Vitamin E - Vitamin E has fewer roles than Vitamin C. Still, this vitamin is essential for good eyesight and healthy skin. It is also great for the dog’s immune system.
  • Antioxidants - Bell peppers are packed with antioxidants. They act as a natural defense against free radicals whose cancerogenic effect is widely known.
  • Carotenoids - Carotenoids are a type of antioxidant that bell peppers are full of. Some carotenoids, like provitamin A, can be turned into vitamin A, and their benefits are widely known.

bell peppers being cut

All of these health benefits are the same for dogs and humans. Bell peppers can be considered a superfood, and including them in your and your dog’s diet is a great idea. They can even be used as a healthy alternative for dog treats that can be unhealthy in too large amounts.

Do you think your dog might be overweight? Check out this article - How heavy should my dog be?

Can dogs eat all bell peppers?

There are three types of bell peppers - red, green, and yellow. They are pretty similar, but there are some slight differences in their nutritional value and taste. If your dog loves the bell pepper’s taste, they will likely not care about its color.

Can dogs eat red bell peppers?

Yes, dogs will probably love red peppers. In fact, they are the ones that should be mainly given to your dog. They have a more significant nutritional value, and it contains the most healthy nutrients out of all bell peppers.

The best way to check your dog’s preferences is to give them different colored peppers and see what they actually like. If they love all colors, you don’t have to worry, and you can share with your dog whichever bell pepper you have at home.

IMPORTANT RED BELL PEPPER NOTICE - All bell peppers are packed with vitamins, but red bell peppers are 9X more packed with beta-carotene than others.

red bell pepper

What parts of bell pepper can dogs eat?

Prepare bell peppers for your dog as if you were preparing them for yourself. The stem should be removed because it poses a choking hazard. Some owners gave their dogs a bell pepper stem as a chew toy, but that is not the best idea. Dogs can easily chew through it and ingest bite-size pieces that will be hard on their stomach and digestion. It is best to remove the whole stem and prevent your dog from chewing on it. If ingested, the stem can cause constipation.

You should remove the tiny seeds as well. They are not toxic but might cause indigestion, so it is best to remove them before feeding your dog peppers. The only safe part for dogs (and humans) to eat is the “meaty” part.

How to safely give bell peppers to your dog?

There are a couple of safe ways you can feed your dog bell peppers, and all of them include avoiding spices. Make sure you avoid things like onions and garlic because they are toxic to dogs.

bell pepper being cut

The safest way to give your dog bell peppers is by steaming or blending them. Make sure you get organic bell peppers that weren’t treated with pesticides. You can even add blended bell peppers to your dog’s usual meal. The critical thing to remember is - amount.

Bell peppers are not the only veggie that is great for dogs. Check out this article - Pumpkin for dogs.

How many bell peppers can my dog eat?

The key thing to remember when giving your dog any kind of human food is not to overdo it. No matter how safe they might be, all vegetables can cause gastrointestinal issues if your dog eats too many. The same goes for bell peppers. There is a golden rule when it comes to feeding fruits and veggies to your dog - a single ingredient (like a fruit or a veggie) should not make more than 10% of your dog’s overall food ingestion.

When it comes to bell peppers, larger breeds like the Golden Retriever or German Shepherd can eat half of the bell pepper. Small dogs, like the Pomeranian, should never eat more than a quarter of bell pepper a day.

Want to take control of your dog’s diet? Why not prepare healthy homemade treats for them? Check out this article for some ideas - Homemade pumpkin treats for dogs.

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