Dogs and Grapes - Owners Beware!

Dogs and Grapes - Owners Beware!

Author WDF Staff


Dogs love sharing our food. They love the fruits and veggies we eat. There are plenty of safe things dogs can eat, but there are some fruits and veggies that can cause serious health concerns, even death. If you are a dog owner, chances are, you already heard about dogs and grapes. If you are not sure what the correct information is, stick with us for a bit, and you will find out everything you need to know about dogs and grapes.

Can dogs eat grapes?

Grapes and raisins (which are just dried grapes) are tasty and delicious. However, if you ever caught yourself thinking, “Can dogs eat grapes?” you should know that the answer is always - NO. Dogs should never eat grapes or raisins. They are dangerous and toxic to them, and you should never give your dog any grapes.

different grapes

Are grapes bad for dogs?

Yes. Grapes are one of the worst things you could feed your dog. Scientists and vets cannot pinpoint what exactly makes grapes and raisins so toxic to dogs. That is why all types of grapes should be avoided. Not even peeled or seedless grapes should be given to dogs.

Dogs of different breeds or sizes can have different reactions, but there aren’t any rules set in stone when it comes to dogs and grapes. Some smaller dogs might accidentally eat a couple of grapes and have a mild reaction. In contrast, a large breed like the Golden Retriever can eat one and have a severe reaction. The exact amount that will cause toxicity is not known.

Grapes are very popular among humans, which isn’t a surprise since they are so delicious and healthy. However, if you love grapes and you have a dog, make sure you keep the grapes out of the dog’s reach. Your dog will understand grapes are edible simply because they have observed your behavior. If they are within their sight, the dog might try and reach them.

fresh grapes

How dangerous are grapes for dogs?

Unfortunately, grapes are very dangerous for dogs. As we said, the exact reason and the amount that will cause toxicity is unknown. Vets have reported severe grape or raisin toxicity cases, and worst-case scenarios can end up with the dog dying. We cannot stress enough how important it is to keep grapes away from your dog.

How do I know if my dog ate grapes?

Unfortunately, if you have not seen your dog eat grapes, you can only guess they have eaten some. If you suspect your dog ate grapes, the best thing you could do is call your vet. They will let you know what the best course of action is for your dog. Your dog must receive treatment as soon as possible.

red grapes

One of the things your vet might suggest is that you make your dog throw up. The sooner your dog gets toxic grapes out of their system, the better. However, you shouldn’t do that if you are not sure how long ago your dog might have eaten grapes. If you notice your dog is having trouble breathing or exhibiting signs of distress, you shouldn’t induce vomiting. A clear sign your dog is having a severe reaction is if they are unconscious, and inducing vomit is out of the question.

If you want to know how to safely induce vomiting, check out this article - How to make your dog vomit?

Symptoms of grape toxicity

The next thing you should do is check for signs of grape toxicity. That could be hard if you don’t know what to look for. Some of the most common symptoms of grape toxicity in dogs are;

  • Lethargy
  • Weakness
  • Unusual stillness
  • Loss of appetite
  • Diarrhea (within a couple of hours)
  • Vomiting (within a couple of hours)
  • Pain in the abdomen
  • Dehydration (check quickly if your dog is dehydrated by pulling the skin on their neck. If the skin immediately falls back where it was, the dog is hydrated. If the skin takes longer to get back in its original position, your dog might be dehydrated.)
  • Increased thirst
  • Increased urine production
  • Complete lack of urine
  • Only a small amount of urine produced
  • Kidney failure

In the worst cases, kidney failure is fatal. Your dog must receive veterinary attention as soon as possible. If you are not sure what to do - call your vet. If your vet cannot take your call, you can always call Pet Poison Helpline (888) 764 - 7661.

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