Polyuria in Dogs | Causes, Diagnosis, & Treatment

Polyuria in Dogs | Causes, Diagnosis, & Treatment

Author WDF Staff


Polyuria in dogs usually goes hand in hand with polydipsia. If you’re not familiar with the scientific term polyuria, you should know that it is increased urination. Polydipsia is increased water intake. If you notice your dog has increased its water intake and the frequency and volume of urination, you are right to get worried.

Polyuria can be a sign of severe health issues. If you’re a responsible dog owner, you should call your vet and schedule a check-up as soon as possible. It is never a good idea to let your dog’s potential health issues brew and develop. Mind you, some issues are common, like vomiting or diarrhea. However, something like polyuria should never be left unchecked. If you’re worried about your dog’s bathroom schedule and changes, here’s what you should know about polyuria in dogs.

What is polyuria?

The first thing we need to go through is the exact definition of polyuria. We already mentioned it is increased urination. However, there are three types of polyuria in dogs, and they all can point to different health issues. The three types are psychological, pharmacological, and pathological.

Psychological polyuria

Psychological polyuria is a normal reaction. It is a natural response to increased water consumption. A higher amount of water cannot stay in the dog’s body; it has to exit it, and there is no better way of getting rid of extra fluid than urination.

Pharmacological polyuria

Pharmacological polyuria is a response to the intake of drugs or salt that might cause increased urination. Some medications, like steroids or diuretics, will cause the dog to pee more frequently and in larger volumes. Of course, polydipsia will follow.

Pathological polyuria

Pathological polyuria in dogs is caused by medical conditions. In most cases, those medical conditions are very serious and shouldn’t be taken lightly. One of the possible reasons for pathological polyuria is kidney failure.

VET TIP: Never leave your dog unchecked if you notice significant changes in their urination or water consumption. Both can be signs of life-threatening conditions, and a timely reaction can mean the difference between life and death.

How can I know if my dog has polyuria?

Polyuria is never the actual sickness vets will focus on. Polyuria is merely a symptom of other diseases and conditions that need to be diagnosed and treated. The easiest way to notice polyuria is simply by watching your dog urinate. If you see a substantial volume of urine and your dog constantly wants to go out, it means something’s wrong. The second thing you should watch out for is the dog’s water consumption, or polydipsia. These two conditions usually come together.

Symptoms of polyuria in dogs

Once again, we need to mention polyuria itself is a symptom. However, you need to see if your dog actually has polyuria or do they simply drank a bit more water and now need to pee more often. Keep an eye on the dog’s “regular” water consumption and urination, so you have something to compare it to. One of the clear signs is your dog “asking” to go out often.

What causes polyuria in dogs?

This is the million-dollar question when it comes to polyuria. It can happen for various reasons, and some are not dangerous, and others are. Unless you are a vet, you should not leave your dog’s polyuria unchecked. A thing that complicates polyuria is that it is a non-specific symptom that can indicate all sorts of problems. If polyuria is the only symptom, the vet might not be that concerned. However, if polyuria is accompanied by other symptoms, it can be a worrying sign.

The list of possible polyuria causes is pretty long. The list includes poor diet, organ disorders, tumors, and many others. Here is a list of possible causes of polyuria in dogs;

How is it diagnosed?

Vets know that polydipsia and polyuria are symptoms of various diseases and conditions. The exact diagnosis will take that into account. However, to make an accurate diagnosis, the vet will check other symptoms that accompany polyuria. It would be best to write down all the symptoms you noticed in your dog and tell them to your vet. Those symptoms will be an indication of what to look for first. Based on those symptoms, the vet will determine what tests they should perform. It will most likely include a complete blood cell count, x-rays, ultrasounds, etc.

How is polyuria treated?

The vet will rarely treat polyuria specifically. The will focus on diagnosing the underlying issue that is causing polyuria. Again, polyuria is just a symptom. If the vet accurately diagnoses the underlying condition, they will form the treatment for that condition. If that is successful, polyuria and polydipsia should stop.

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