7 Ways To Treat Poisoned Dog At Home

7 Ways To Treat Poisoned Dog At Home

Author WDF Staff | Last updated: Feb 16 2023


We all know that dogs are curious animals that will likely try to investigate and eat all the things they find in front of themselves. Many different human foods, chemicals, and other things can quickly cause toxicity and poisoning in your dog.

Your main duty as a dog owner should be keeping your dog safe in all situations. This will also include ensuring that your dog doesn't ingest poison. In the situation where you think that your dog is experiencing poisoning, you must act quickly.

It would be best if you learn all about poisoning and potential dangers before the emergency, so you can know how to react if necessary.

To help you understand poisoning in dogs, we put together seven things you should do to ensure your dog fully recovers.

1. Stay calm

Whenever there is a certain health problem that is bothering your dog, you should remain calm. If you start to panic, you will only create more problems, and your dog will not be able to receive proper treatment in time.

We do know that seeing your pet with a certain health problem can be pretty scary for you, especially if your dog is poisoned, but you need to understand that in these situations, every minute is important to ensure your dog makes it alive.


2. Look for symptoms and signs of poisoning

To ensure you provide your dog with proper treatment, you will have to notice and write down all the symptoms you see your dog exhibit. Every detail is important, and whatever your notice unusual with your dog, you will have to remember or write it down so your vet can help him faster.

Depending on your dog, his age, general health, and many different factors, the symptoms of poisoning can vary, and not all dogs will show the same symptoms, but you can be sure whenever there is poisoning included that the dogs will exhibit certain ones.

RELATED: Can Dogs Get Food Poisoning?

3. Find out what caused the poisoning.

To provide the best treatment, it would be best if you are able to find out what caused the poisoning in your dog. Many different things are dangerous for dogs and that dogs should stay away from. We all know that accidents can happen, and your dog could come near or even ingest something that will cause toxicity.

Look around you and around your dog and try to figure out what exactly your dog ingested and why the poisoning has occurred. If you do so, your vet will have a much easier and faster path in helping him.

4. Contact your vet

Now that you concluded all the important information about poisoning, you should contact your vet. Depending on the current dog's status and symptoms, some vets could request to bring your dog to the clinic, while others could give you advice over the phone.

This will greatly depend on the seriousness of the poisoning. Of course, if your dog is in life danger, you will have to bring him to the clinic. Your vet will take it from there, and after you tell him all the information you concluded earlier, he will fastly set your dog with proper treatment.

dog laying on grass

5. Contact Pet Poison Hotline

As we all know, dogs tend to injure themselves when everything is closed, and this mostly happens during the night or over the holidays. If this is the case and you cannot get a vet on the phone, there is a pet poison hotline that is active 24/7, and they will also be able to help you.

When you contact Pet Poison Hotline, you should prepare all the important information about your dog, such as

  • Age
  • Breed
  • General Health
  • Medical history
  • What caused the poisoning
  • What symptoms is the dog showing etc.

Take note that they are experts, but they do not know your dog and his medical history, so you will have to help them better understand everything that happened for them to help your dog.

The best thing you can do in this situation is to strictly follow their instructions.

6. Don't ask for advice on social networks

One of the main mistakes most dog owners make in this situation is asking for advice on social networks. As you already know, social networks are full of "experts" that will suggest everything, but your dog has the best chance of recovery if you take things into your own hands and contact your vet.

In most cases, there pieces of advice you will get from people on social networks will not be true, and you can even create more problems for your dog if you decide to listen to them.

sick dog

7. Always be ready for any emergency

The best thing you can do to help your dog is to prevent bad things from happening. We all know that sometimes this is impossible, and we understand that accident could happen in a matter of minutes. Because of this, it is best if you are prepared for any kind of emergency.

That way, you can be sure that if accidents happen, you can react as fast as possible, which will greatly increase your dog's chances of recovery.

Always have a ready first aid kit for your dog and all his stuff and important documents if you must rush to the nearest clinic. Some of the documents you should prepare include

  • Medical history records
  • Meds your dog is taking
  • Microchip number
  • Dog's passport
  • Any potential allergies

Common causes of poisoning in dogs?

Many different things, food, and items can cause instant toxicity in dogs. Most dog owners are not fully aware of the dangers they pose to our dogs, and most dog poisoning happens because the owner isn't educated enough.

The best thing you can do as a dog owner is to understand all the potentially dangerous things that can cause toxicity in your dog and keep them far away from your dog; only by doing that you can ensure that your dog will not experience toxicity.

There are the 4 most common things that cause toxicity in dogs

1. Human food

There is much human food that can cause instant toxicity in dogs. In these cases, accidents will occur because the owners will not know that certain food will cause problems for dogs.

The list of human food that can potentially be dangerous for dogs is very long, and if you want to understand and learn the most dangerous ones, make sure to read this article - Human Foods That Can Kill Your Dog


2. Human meds

Different over-the-counter meds that the majority of people are using are dangerous for dogs. Even the prescribed meds can be very dangerous and poisonous for dogs. If your dog has some health problems and he should take certain meds to help him with his condition, we advise you to speak with your vet and never medicate your dog on your own.

Most meds' missuses cause poisoning in dogs because the owners are unaware that these meds will cause poisoning.

RELATED: 9 Human Medications That Can Poison Your Dog

3. Plants

Many of us have different and beautiful plants in our homes, and since we are dog owners, we must carefully choose plants we will put in our homes because some of them could be potentially dangerous for our pets.

Different plants can cause instant toxicity for your dog, and if you are not sure what exactly, make sure to check this article and read everything you need to know about dangerous plants and dogs -  List of All Poisonous Plants for Dogs

4. Chemicals

Various chemicals, household products, and even garden products could be dangerous for our dogs. After your dog ingests any of them, the symptoms will show pretty quickly, and you can expect your dog to have gastrointestinal problems, with vomiting and diarrhea being the most common ones.

Don't be surprised if you see blood in your dog's stool or vomit. This is extremely dangerous, and you should immediately contact your vet.

The most common signs and symptoms to look for

You will have to look for symptoms to understand that your dog is having some problems. Depending on your dog, poisoning symptoms can vary, and not all dogs will show the same symptoms. To help you better understand what exactly your dog can exhibit, we listed the most common ones, and they include

  • Different behavior
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Collapsing
  • General weakness
  • Excessive drooling
  • Coughing
  • Excessive thirst
  • Dehydration
  • Nausea
  • Refusal of food

How to prevent poisoning in dogs?

It is your duty as a dog owner to keep your pet safe and secure. To avoid poisoning in dogs, there is something you can do, and that is to understand all the potential dangers in our world that can lead to poisoning and to keep your dog away from them.

We do know that accidents can happen, but if you do all these things and always ensure that there is no harmful food, chemical, or other items that can cause poisoning in your dog, the chances of your dog getting poisoned are extremely low.

Whenever you suspect your dog is sick, you should not postpone calling your vet and going to the clinic. Dog poisoning is an extremely dangerous situation, and every minute is important to keep your pet alive.

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