Will Tums Help My Dog

Will Tums Help My Dog

Author WDF Staff


Taking care of your dog means helping them get over any potential health issues they can have. Dogs can get colds, pains, and even heartburn. Humans have different medications we can take, like Tums, that can help us deal with heartburn. But, can you give your dog Tums? Is it safe for them? Here is what your vet would want you to know about giving Tums to your dog;

Can I give my dog Tums?

The shortest possible answer to the question, “Can you give a dog Tums?” would be - Yes. However, you should never give any type of medication to your dog without consulting your vet first. Medicating your dog without a vet’s approval can lead to more problems than it could solve. Make sure you talk to your vet before giving Tums to your dog.

How can Tums help my dog?

Humans take Tums for heartburn, and if you want to give your dog Tums, it should be for the same reason. However, you have to be absolutely sure your dog needs it. It makes no sense to give your dog any kind of medication they don’t need.

If your dog suffers from digestive issues, your vet might advise you to give your dog Tums. However, it will only provide your dog with temporary relief. Heartburn in dogs is only a symptom; it is not an illness that Tums will solve. Their digestion is a lot quicker than ours, so if you genuinely want to help your dog, you have to find a long-term solution.

Tums has an active ingredient called calcium carbonate, and it helps reduce excess stomach acid. Since dogs digest things faster than we do, it can easily happen that the medication passes before it can do anything for your dog. Nevertheless, some dogs feel relief, and the heartburn stops bothering them.

When can dogs take Tums?

Knowing when your dog needs medication can be tricky. That is precisely why you should never medicate your dog on your own. Talk to your vet and make sure your dog will actually benefit from the medication. Vets usually advise dogs take Tums in case of;

  • Stomach acid overproduction
  • Blood-calcium level imbalance
  • Obesity
  • Heartburn
  • Esophageal sphincter weakness
  • Other medications that cause acid reflux

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Dogs often have digestive issues. If you are a dog owner, you noticed your dog vomiting or having diarrhea is not all that uncommon. A long-term solution might be adjusting your dog’s diet.

Can Tums be bad for dogs?

All medications can be bad if not used according to your vet’s advice and guidance. The good news is that Tums is generally considered relatively safe for dogs. It rarely causes any problems or side effects. However, on those rare occasions that Tums for dogs cause problems, those problems are constipation or diarrhea. Those are not the effects you’d want Tums to have on your dogs, but they can happen. There are some warnings you should be aware of;

  • Tums can contain artificial colors that can affect your dog and cause allergies.
  • Make sure you read the label for toxic chemicals (Not all Tums are the same)
  • Beware of medication interactions; tell your vet if your dog is on any other medications Tums can interfere with
  • Pregnant or nursing dogs should not take Tums

Tums alternatives

If your dog has stomach issues, vets usually don’t recommend medications right away. There are different approaches, and the most common thing to do is not give your dog any food. Allow the digestive system to run its course, and chances are the dog will recover. Tums is usually not the first thing vets advise. Before turning to Tums, your vet will most likely advise Pepto Bismol or Imodium for digestive issues.

How to spot heartburn in dogs?

Before giving your dog Tums or any kind of antacid, you have to be sure they have heartburn. The most common symptoms of heartburn are;

  • Pain during or after eating
  • Vomiting or regurgitation accompanied with coughing and yellow fluid
  • Repeated swallowing
  • Weight loss
  • Loss of appetite
  • Salivation
  • Bad breath
  • Gurgling sounds after eating

Tums for dogs dosage

The exact dosage of Tums for dogs should be determined by your vet. The vet will account for the dog’s health issues, underlying conditions, breed, size, and other things ordinary dog owners don’t think about. However, many vets recommend Tums dosage like this;

  • 1.25 grams over 24 hours for small dogs
  • 2 - 4 grams over 24 hours for medium dogs
  • 4 - 6 grams over 24 hours for large dogs
  • 6 - 10 grams over 24 hours for giant dogs

IMPORTANT NOTICE: While Tums is considered safe for dogs, if you notice anything weird with your dog after taking the medication, you should immediately stop giving Tums to your dog.

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