Spider Bite On Dog - Types, Treatment & Recovery

Spider Bite On Dog - Types, Treatment & Recovery

Author WDF Staff


Spider bites on dogs are extremely rare, but they can certainly happen. Spider bites can be severe and cause some health problems for your pooch. The good news is that there aren't many spiders that will create a life-threatening situation. Most of the time, spider bites should be treated as normal insect bites, and most dogs will only experience skin irritation or itching if the bite happens. Below you can find all information you will need if your dog ever gets bitten by a spider. Let's start.

How to find a spider bite on a dog?

Depending on the type of spider, spider bites can be different. Usually, you will see something similar to a mosquito bite. There will be no other signs of a bite other than small red dots on your dog's skin. For most bites, nothing will happen to your dog, and he will not even know that he got bitten by a spider.

Symptoms of a spider bite

Some symptoms can indicate that your dog got bitten by a spider. Not all dogs will experience them, and this also doesn't mean that your dog will develop all of them.

scared dog

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Some of the symptoms dogs could get after the bite include:

  • Redness
  • Itchy area
  • Swelling
  • Soreness

Non-venomous vs. venomous spider bites

In America, there are only two types of spiders that you should be concerned about, and if one of them bites your dog, you need to seek immediate vet help. Bites of these spiders are dangerous and can cause severe problems for your pooch.

For your general knowledge, there are more than 30.000 different spiders in the world, most of which are venomous. However, most of them will not be able to harm pets and humans since they have small mouths and will not be able to penetrate the skin and insert venom.

Non-venomous spider bites

Many non-venomous bites will manifest as small bumps similar to mosquito bites. The biggest problems it can cause for your dog are redness, swelling, and itching. However, most dogs don't even realize they got bitten by a spider and will not experience any of the mentioned health concerns.

Venomous spider bites

You need to be concerned about two types of spiders: Black Widow and Brown Recluse. Their bites could be deadly for animals, and if you go into areas where these spiders can be found, you need to be extra careful.


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Black Widow bites

Black Widow is an extremely dangerous spider; its venom can cause health problems immediately after the bite. These spiders like to live in dark and warm places.

Symptoms your dog can experience if he gets bitten by a Black Widow include:

  • Redness
  • Itching
  • Swelling
  • Vomiting
  • Cramping
  • Pain in muscles
  • Excessive drooling

If you notice any of these symptoms, you should rush to the nearest vet clinic if you suspect your dog got bitten.

Brown Recluse bite

Brown Recluse spiders like quiet areas to be around; in most cases, they will have to be agitated to bite someone. It is thought that their bite is painless, and right after the bite happens, there will be no other indications besides a small red dot. After the initial bite, the bite area will turn into a white blister.

However, over time your dog could experience some severe health problems, and they include:

  • Limping
  • Vomiting
  • Seizures
  • Collapsing
  • Bleeding

If you suspect your dog gets bitten by a Brown Recluse, you must rush to the nearest clinic.

Spider bite treatment

The first thing you should do after a spider bite happens is to call your vet. Tell him what happens, and he will take it from there and help your dog. If you had a chance, it would be good if you could catch the spider who bit your dog and put him in a secure place. If you bring your vet the spider that bit your dog, he could examine him and see if he has venom.

spider web

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For most dangerous bites – ones from the Black Widow and a Brown Recluse your vet will have to clean the bite area and give the dog IV fluids; some dogs can receive painkillers and antibiotics that will help with an infection.

Death from spider bites is extremely rare, and most dogs will recover fully within 2 weeks.

How to prevent spider bites?

The good news is that spider bites don't happen that much, but to be entirely sure, there are some things you can do to prevent this from happening. If you own a house with a big yard, use sprays for bugs. Also, if you do live in areas where there are spiders, make sure that your dog gets proper protection from a medical point of view. Your vet can help you with the right choice for your dog.

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