Watery Eyes in Dogs - Meaning, Treatment & Recovery

Watery Eyes in Dogs - Meaning, Treatment & Recovery

Author WDF Staff


Dogs are susceptible to many health problems. Their eyes are especially in danger of developing some issues. One of these problems is excessive tearing or watery eyes in dogs. If your dog has watery eyes, you came to the right place to find everything about this health problem and how you can help your dog.

What is excessive tearing or watery eyes in dogs?

Excessive tearing in dogs is a medical condition due to abnormalities connected with dog eyelids, infections, or eye diseases. This health problem is not breed-specific, although some breeds are predisposed to developing watery eyes. Dogs with naturally flat muzzles are in danger of developing water eyes.

The medical term for excessive watery eyes is epiphora. With watery eyes come many different symptoms that can cause problems for your dog. This health problem should be treated immediately because if not, your dog can have many problems.

watery dog eyes

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What are the symptoms of watery eyes in dogs?

Eye problems will cause many discomforts for your dog, and if you notice any of the symptoms listed below, you should contact your vet and schedule a meeting. Look for these symptoms:

  • Redness
  • Eye discharge
  • Sneezing
  • Squinting
  • Pawing at the eye
  • The wet area below the eye
  • Swelling
  • Inability to open the eyelids
  • Cloudy eyes

What causes watery eyes in dogs?

Many known causes will cause watery eyes in your dog. Some of them can be harmless, while others will require medical attention to solve the main problem that is bothering your dog.

watery dog eyes

The most common causes of watery eyes in dogs are:

  • Allergies
  • Bacteria
  • Virus
  • Glaucoma
  • Tumors
  • Excessive hair on the face that grows into eyes
  • Abnormal eyelashes that go into dogs’ eye
  • Eye trauma, including punctures and scratches
  • Blocked tear duct

RELATED: Dog Eye Infection - Causes & Treatment


If your dog has watery eyes, you shouldn’t postpone going to the vet. Your vet will run a few tests to determine what is causing problems in your dog’s eyes. He will test if there are any scratches in the eye and feel if there are any foreign bodies in the eye. When your vet sets up the correct diagnosis for your dog, he will give your proper treatment.


Depending on the cause, treatment for watery eyes in dogs can differ. Your vet will ensure that your dog receives the best treatment possible. Here are the most common treatment options for watery eyes:

  • Surgery – in case of entropion
  • Antibiotic therapy – in cases of conjunctivitis
  • Flushing out the eye and antibiotics – in cases of dacryocystitis
  • Eye drops

watery dog eyes

If your dog is experiencing pain, your vet can give him medication to instantly reduce the pain.

RELATED: Why Are My Dog’s Eyes Red


No matter the cause, your dog will likely recover without consequences. You should listen to your vet and treat your dog until the end of the cycle to ensure that their eyes are completely healed.

There are situations when watery eyes will reappear; in this case, your dog will need another treatment. For some dogs, you will have to use eye drops for a certain period to secure healthy eyes for your dog.

RELATED: Cloudy Eyes in Dogs - Reasons & Treatment


Dogs’ eyes are one of the most sensitive parts of their bodies, and if you notice something wrong with them, you should seek vets’ help. Watery eyes are a common health issue, and if you notice that your dog’s eyes started to get watery, talk to your vet so they can find the best treatment for your dog. You shouldn’t postpone going to the vet if your dog is experiencing health problems.

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