Dog Peeing Blood - What Does It Mean?

Dog Peeing Blood - What Does It Mean?

Author WDF Staff


As dog owners, we want to keep our dogs as healthy and happy as possible. Finding blood anywhere around your dog is shocking, but finding out the dog is peeing blood is incredibly unnerving. It is a clear sign your dog should be taken to the vet, and in the meantime, you can read more about the meaning of dog peeing blood here.

What causes dog peeing blood?

The scientific term of a dog peeing blood is Hematuria, and it can be caused by several different things. Noticing the blood in dog urine is not always easy. After all, we don’t really stare at our dogs while they are doing their business. However, keeping a close eye on your dog’s urine and feces is somewhat necessary. It can be a clear indication something is wrong with them.

There are situations when noticing blood in dog urine is easier. The dog can pee on a lighter surface like a wall or snow. You can notice urine discoloration, and bloody dog urine can come in different colors. It is usually red, amber, orange, brown, or even normal.

yorkshire terrier peeing on snow

The tricky thing about blood in your dog’s urine is that the urine can sometimes seem completely normal. It can be clear, and the vet will not notice it until they perform a special test. The vet should do a diagnostics test to determine the presence of red blood cells in your dog’s urine. Other health issues can also cause urine discoloration. Make sure you call your vet if you notice anything funny about your dog’s urine.

Most common causes

A dog peeing blood is a broad symptom, and it can indicate a wide range of potential problems your dog can experience. Like diarrhea or vomiting, it can be hard to pinpoint the exact cause based on a single symptom - a dog peeing blood or having bloody urine. Vets usually check for other connected symptoms to make an accurate diagnosis. Keep in mind that a dog peeing blood can be a sign of severe health issues, and it would be best to contact your vet as soon as possible. Some of the common reasons for dogs peeing blood are;

As you can see, diagnosing the exact problem can be problematic, which is why vets have specialized tests that can help them determine the exact cause. Determining the cause will help vets decide how to heal and help the affected dog.

How is the problem diagnosed?

Most dogs are brought to the vet clinic after their owners notice the color of the dog’s urine has changed, and it looks like their dog is peeing blood. That is when vets step in. They are armed with extensive knowledge and experience that helps them diagnose what is exactly bugging the dog.

However, there are some things we as owners can do to help vets in their process. We can take a urine sample and bring it to the vet. If you cannot take it to the vet immediately, store it in the fridge until you can. The other thing we can do is place a white paper towel underneath the dog to make sure there is some urine discoloration.

dog peeing on tree

The first thing the vet will do is palpitation. The vet will check the dog’s abdomen, genital area, prostate, kidneys, bladder and check for other unusual things like bruising. Depending on the physical exam, the vet will decide which diagnostic tests they should do. The most common diagnostic tests for diagnosing the cause of blood in dog urine are;

  • Dipstick colorimetric test
  • Catheterization
  • Urinalysis
  • Radiograph
  • Ultrasound
  • Blood pressure measurement
  • Endoscopy
  • Cystourethroscopy
  • Coagulation profile
  • Blood chemistry workup
  • Biopsies
  • Exploratory surgery (in rare cases)

Bloody urine as a cancer symptom

There is nothing worse than getting news your dog might have cancer. Whenever cancer is on the list of symptoms, owners tend to assume the worst. There is some good news - urinary tract and kidney cancers are relatively rare in dogs. However, some breeds are somewhat prone to it, so it is a good idea to keep a close eye on their urinary tract and kidney health. Those breeds are;

Dog peeing blood or bloody urine is not the only symptom of kidney or urinary tract cancer. There will be other symptoms, and those would be pretty hard to miss. The most common ones are fever, loss of energy, lethargy, loss of appetite, painful urination, weight loss, frequent urination, but the dog only produces a few drops, and overall difficult urination. Luckily, some products can help you determine these problems very early. Talk to your vet and share your fears with them. We are sure they can put your mind to ease.

Dog peeing blood - treatment

It is impossible to treat all cases of hematuria the same. The best treatment will entirely depend on the cause. Some cases can be resolved with antibiotics, and others will require surgery. Talk to your vet and ask about the best treatment options for your dog.

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