Deramaxx For Dogs: Usage, Dosage & Side Effects

Deramaxx For Dogs: Usage, Dosage & Side Effects

Author WDF Staff


Like humans, dogs age; unfortunately, they age a lot faster than we do. As they age, they become susceptible to age-related health problems. One of the most common issues senior dogs experience is osteoarthritis. This health condition will cause pain and joint issues to the dog. The pain is usually followed by inflammation, so the dog’s movements can be significantly impacted and painful. Luckily, vets can prescribe different drugs to help the poor dog, and one of those drugs is Deramaxx. If your dog has to take this medication, here are a few things you might want to know about it.

What is Deramaxx for dogs?

Deramaxx is a painkiller for dogs. More precisely, it is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, or NSAID. The active ingredient is deracoxib, which is a part of the coxib “family” of drugs. It is most commonly prescribed to dogs after orthopedic or dental surgeries for pains associated with osteoarthritis and other painful conditions. This is a controlled substance, so you cannot simply buy it over the counter. Your vet will have to prescribe it to your dog.


Is Deramaxx safe for dogs?

All drugs can potentially be harmful, especially if dog owners aren’t that careful regarding dosages. One of the first questions dog owners ask their vets is, “Is Deramaxx safe for my dog?” We want to help our dogs deal with pain, but we don’t want to give them medication that will cause different types of long-term problems.

Like all NSAIDs, Deramaxx should be used carefully. It is considered safe for dogs, but only if the owners stick to the recommended dosages and administration guidelines. Long-term use is not the best idea, and vets will surely tell you more about it. There are some risk factors, but more about them a bit later.

Deramaxx side effects

We cannot talk about a drug’s safety without mentioning potential side effects. All drugs can cause side effects, but they should pass after a day or two. Deramaxx is not an exception, and you should learn what the side effects might be so that you can react on time. The most common Deramaxx side effects in dogs are;

  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Stomach pains
  • Jaundice
  • Weight loss
  • Loss of appetite
  • Black, tarry stool
  • Seizures
  • Aggression
  • Stomach ulcers

These side effects are fairly rare, but you should know they are possible. If they happen, you should call your vet and let them know what’s going on.

Deramaxx risk factors

Deramaxx for dogs is a potent drug that can help dogs deal with pain. However, it comes with certain risk factors you should know. We believe your vet already knows them, but in case they don’t, you should be aware of them. This drug might not be the best option for dogs that;

  • Have heart conditions
  • Are allergic to NSAIDs (or aspirin)
  • Have liver or kidney disease
  • Have black, tarry stools
  • Have suddenly lost weight
  • Have blood clotting disorders
  • Are dehydrated
  • Pregnant or nursing

golden retriever with a ball

If your dog has any of these conditions, you should be very careful about giving them Deramaxx. Make sure your vet knows if your dog has one of these problems.

Is it effective?

All of these precautions are irrelevant if the drug is ineffective. Luckily, Deramaxx is considered very effective. It will ease the dog’s pain and inflammation associated with osteoarthritis and significantly help dogs relax and be pain-free after surgeries during the recovery period. Deramaxx is also fast-acting, and the dog should feel better 1 - 2 hours after taking the pill.

How is Deramaxx given?

Deramaxx comes in the form of a tasty, chewable tablet. That makes administration reasonably easy. Most dogs have no problem taking the pill since it has a nice beef taste. This medication should be given with food because there’s less chance the dog will have digestive issues.

Deramaxx dosage for dogs

Another thing dog owners will want to know is the exact dosage. However, since this medication can be prescribed for different conditions, the dosage may vary. In most cases, the vet will prescribe 0.45mg/lb - 0.91mg/lb, once a day. Your vet will determine the best dosage for your dog.

Where can I get Deramaxx?

Since this is a controlled substance, you cannot simply walk into an animal pharmacy and buy it. The first step is to visit the vet and get a prescription. The dog should undergo a thorough physical exam, and the vet should make sure Deramaxx is the best choice. After that, the vet will write you a prescription. You can pick the drug in animal pharmacies or order it online. You can order Deramaxx on Chewy’s online pharmacy.


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