7 Interesting Pomsky Facts
Designer dog breeds are booming, and their popularity is at an all-time high around the world. Most designer breeds were created so that the characteristics we love about the parent breeds connect and form a puppy with all our favorite characteristics. The Pomsky is precisely that. It has all attributes of the Husky but in a smaller package.
This hybrid or designer breed is so popular that it earned the most popular designer dog breed title in 2017. The demand for these adorable little dogs is fairly constant, and people can’t seem to get enough of this sweet little dog.

10 - 15 in

20 - 30 lb


Life Expectancy:
13 -15 years
If you are one of those people, here are seven things you need to know about the adorable Pomsky.
1. Pomeranian Husky mix
The most important thing to know is that a Pomsky is a mixed dog breed created by crossing a Husky mother and a Pomeranian father. They are exclusively bred by artificial insemination because the natural process wouldn’t be possible, especially with a Pomeranian mother.
Pomsky is undoubtedly an adorable little dog, but the question remains about this breeding process’s ethicality. Some argue that humans have taken things too far and are breeding dogs only for the looks and pay little to no attention to their purpose and utility. Even though that might be true, then breeding should be defined by the dog’s purpose, and the Pomsky was created to be the ultimate companion. If that is true, Pomsky’s sense is fulfilled.
2. Unknown character
When buying a designer breed, you can never be entirely sure of their character or temperament. Pomeranian Husky mix will probably inherit characteristics from both sides, and the combination of those is endless. Huskies are Nordic sled dogs that can be stubborn, independent, and ridiculously energetic, while Pomeranians are proud, reasonably active, alert dogs.
The combination of character traits is nearly impossible to guess, and you can’t be sure what your new Pomsky will be like until you physically start caring for the dog. Some owners end up with stubborn dogs that are hard to train (both parent breeds can be hard to train), and some end up with a calm, docile dog. Unfortunately, it is impossible to know for sure.
3. Pomsky appearance
Another drawback of getting any designer breed is that it is almost impossible to know what they will look like and how big they will become. The Siberian Husky is a medium-sized breed that can reach 23.5 inches and weigh 60 pounds. On the other hand, Pomeranian is tiny and can reach a height of 7 inches and weigh a maximum of 7 pounds. The difference is enormous, and the Pomsky puppy can become anything in between.
The combination of coat colors are also endless, so if you are looking to get a miniature Husky, you might be in for a surprise. Pomskies will have a double coat, and because both parent breeds shed a lot, that is likely the trait your new Pomsky puppy will have. A full-grown Pomsky can weigh up to 30 pounds and reach a height of 15 inches, so if you are looking for a small lap dog, maybe go for a pure-blooded Pomeranian.
4. Pomsky is a singer
Before you decide to go for one of these dogs, you must know that these dogs are incredibly vocal. Huskies are known for their howling and barking, and the Pomeranians are not shy about vocalizing their feeling; they bark when they are happy, scared, anxious, playing, bored, and whenever they feel like it.
Most Pomsky owners reported that their dogs are fairly vocal, and some even have Husky’s howling tendencies. It can seem cute when such a small, cute, fluffy dog starts howling but think about the long-term responsibility. You will need to teach them to stop barking on command, and if you remember, they might be stubborn and hard to train. Make sure you know what you are getting yourself into before you decide to go for a Pomsky.
Photo by: Mark Gibson
5. Getting one might be tricky
Pomskies are at experiencing high levels of popularity. It might sound like a good thing, but popularity can destroy a breed. When a breed is trendy, shady breeders decide to earn a quick buck, so they choose to make Pomsky puppies without any regard or knowledge about dog breeding.
Buying any dog is a long and responsible process that needs time and patience. Getting a designer breed that can only be produced through artificial insemination can be even more challenging. Make sure you find a reputable breeder who takes good care of their breeding dogs and produces the healthiest possible puppies. Don’t trust a breeder just because they immediately have a Pomsky for sale. It is a good idea to ask the International Pomsky Association for reputable breeders.
6. Health concerns
There is a popular theory that mixed dogs are healthier than their parent breeds. That is not true; actually, the new puppy can develop health problems concerning both parent breeds. All designer dog breeds, Pomsky included, are made to promote the best characteristics from both breeds, but unfortunately, that is not how genes work.
Huskies and Pomeranians might develop specific problems as a breed, and a Pomeranian Husky mix can inherit all of them. This hybrid dog breed is prone to hip dysplasia, skin irritations and problems, progressive retinal atrophy, allergies, patellar luxation, epilepsy, heart disease, collapsing trachea, and eye problems. With pure-blooded dogs, these problems can be solved through selective breeding, and with the designer dog breeds, that part is missing.
7. Grooming will require time
All double-coated dogs shed, so it is to be expected that a Pomsky will shed as well. Both parent breeds are heavy shedders, especially a Nordic, double-coated breed like the Siberian Husky. They had to have a thick coat that can insulate them from harsh Siberian weather where they were used for sled pulling and traveling.
Pomskies are usually the same; they are heavy shedders, and maintaining their coat is like having a full-time job. You should brush them daily to control the hairy mess that gets left behind them. They will also require other basic care like teeth brushing, nail clipping, and bathing. Start them off early, so you don’t have problems with these activities later.
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