Emergency Vet Near Me (With Map)
Every day a lot of people are unfortunately experiencing emergencies related to their beloved pets and at those moments it is extremely important that they can get ahold of their closest vet, fast. We all try to keep our pets out of trouble but the truth is that accidents and emergencies do happen.
Emergency vet map
Different animals can get into different sorts of trouble - your dog can ingest chocolate, get in a fight with another dog, your cat can land and injure its ankle, your parrot can break its wing… The list of possibilities is endless and if you are a long-time pet owner, we are sure you are aware of the potential list of problems that come out of the blue.
Knowing how to react and what to do can have major life or death consequences for our family pets and contacting your vet would be the first step. In many cases, your usual vet can do the job just fine, especially if the problem isn’t too serious and the issue can be resolved fairly easily. In other cases, pet injuries can be serious and you will require services that only an animal ER, hospital, or emergency vet can perform. If there is a need for your pet to have surgery or overnight monitoring, your regular vet clinic might not be equipped to perform that task as well as you would like them to.
An important thing you will need to know is that your pet might need services that will cost you anywhere from a few hundred to a couple of thousand dollars. Most of the pet owners do not care for the cost, they only want to help their beloved pets in any way they can.
At World Dog Finder, we prepared a map with over 1,000 locations around the United States to help you find your emergency vet. We would strongly recommend you find one before an emergency happens so that if and when it does happen, you are prepared to react in a matter of seconds and possibly save your pet’s life.
We prepared a map that helps you find
- Emergency Vet clinics
- Animal hospital
- 24/7 Vet clinics
- On-call Vets
Emergency vet clinics
When you are experiencing a pet-related emergency, there are some preparations you can make that will go a long way. You should do your research and check if there are any 24 hour Vets near you and make sure that you know the fastest route to that vet. Keep in mind that most Vet clinics do not work 24 hours a day. It is also advisable that you check if that Vet has an emergency phone number that you can reach. Most US cities that are fairly populated (over 100,000 people) have a 24 hour vet clinic.
One of the best advice anyone can give you is that you prepare a Pet First Aid Kit. Your pet first aid kit should include:
- A piece of paper with your Vets emergency contact and address, and the number of the poison hotline (both can be found on World Dog Finder map)
- Gauze that can be used for wounds and bleeding
- Non-stick gauze
- Pet CPR instructions
- Scotch tape or adhesive tape
- Medicinal scissors
- Big enough towels for cleaning and possibly wrapping the animal
- Standard hydrogen peroxide for wound cleaning
- A syringe without the needle for oral medicine intake
- A solution for eye cleaning and clearing of debris
- Disposable medicinal rubber gloves
- Soap
- Tweezers for dogs or cats
- Extra treats, emergency food, leash, and collar
If you pack this emergency pet first aid kit, you stand a better chance to help your pet in a case of emergency and you are prepared to take off in a matter of seconds. Keep in mind that every second count when an extreme situation happens.
If you are not sure what you would place in a homemade dog first aid, you can get a premade bag like this one - My Dog First Aid Kit. It is something every responsible dog owner should have at home.
Vet clinics open on Saturdays and Sundays
We can’t stress enough about how preparation is important. When researching emergency vet clinics, keep an eye out for clinics that are opened on Saturdays and Sundays. This is also very important as accidents do not pick a day and most of the injuries happen when we have free time to take our pets, especially dogs on longer walks or field trips. That can usually happen on weekends and knowing which clinic works and when is extremely important.
Finding a Vet that works on weekends shouldn’t be too much of a problem as most bigger cities have them. You can find those clinics on the World Dog Finder pet map. Smaller cities usually don’t have 24 hour vet and you might have to drive to a larger city to find an on-call Vet. In case of emergency, do not panic and you can be positive that you will find the help you need on this website.
Vet clinics you can come in anytime
One additional thing worth finding out is Vet clinics you can come in anytime, without a previous appointment. Those types of facilities are called Walk-in Vet Clinics and most of the animal hospitals and ERs allow walk-ins. If you are looking for walk-in clinics, it is most likely that you are in the need of emergency assistance and it would be wise to know the locations and names of emergency clinics from the moment you decided to get a pet.
Keep in mind that smaller Vet clinics do not usually allow random visits and most of them require appointments. Those types of clinics are usually not well enough equipped to help you in an extreme situation and your best bet is the closest emergency animal hospital near you or animal ER.
Deciding when to search for emergency assistance for your beloved pet can also play a huge role in your pet’s life and some of those emergencies can be:
- Pet is hit by a car or experienced serious trauma
- Heavy bleeding you cannot stop yourself
- Choking, respiratory issues, no pulse
- Pet not waking up or unconscious
- Vomiting blood
- Vomiting and diarrhea for longer than 24 hours
- Seizures
- Stool with blood for longer than 24 hours
- Sudden disorientation or bumping into things
- Collapse and pet is unable to stand up
- Extreme pain (shaking, whining, isolation)
If you notice any of these symptoms or anything like this happens, seek immediate help and go to the nearest location that can help you and your pet.
Keep in mind to always call ahead, even if you are coming without an appointment so you can give the animal hospital a heads-up and they can properly prepare for your injured pet’s arrival.
Useful numbers to know in the USA for pet emergencies
Statewide hotline for lost pets - 1 800 Humane-1 (486-2631).
National animal poison control - 1-(888) 426-4435 (charges will be applied, 65$ directly to callers phone)
Animal poison hotline - 1-888-232-8870 (charges will be applied, 35$ to callers credit card)
National Pesticide Network - 800-858-7378
Now you know what you need to do to prepare for any potential pet emergencies and check out the World Dog Finder pet map and find useful Vet locations near you.
World Dog Finder team