Can Dogs Eat Prunes? Are They Safe for Dogs?

Can Dogs Eat Prunes? Are They Safe for Dogs?

Author WDF Staff


There are many human foods our dogs would love to share with us. In fact, some dogs would love to share whatever you’re eating; they don’t really care whether something is actually safe or healthy for them. If you love prunes and you’re a dog owner, you might have wondered, “Can dogs eat prunes?” The answer is - YES, but prunes are not the best choice for your dog. Here’s what you should know about giving prunes to your dog.

Are prunes safe for dogs?

The first question dog owners have about dogs and prunes is, “Are prunes safe for my dog?” Naturally, we all want to know if a food is actually safe for our dogs. Things like garlic, onions, and chocolate are toxic to dogs, and should never be given to them. That’s why we want to know if prunes are actually safe for our dogs. The shortest answer would be - yes, your dog can eat prunes. More precisely, prunes won’t poison your dog or cause any kind of toxicity.

Are prunes good for dogs?

If you want to include something in your dog’s diet, it should be safe and beneficial for your dog. Prunes contain good nutrients, but dogs can’t absorb them all. Humans and dogs have different digestive systems, so what’s good for us doesn’t have to be good for them. Here are the best nutrients in prunes;

  • Fiber - Prunes are packed with dietary fiber. Fiber is good for dogs with diarrhea because it adds bulk to the dog’s stool.
  • Vitamin K - Vitamin K plays a crucial role in blood clotting.
  • Potassium - Potassium is an essential mineral that is necessary for different body functions. Some of them are nerve functions, bone growth and repair, and heart functions.
  • Vitamin A - This vitamin is crucial for cell division, reproduction, vision, immunity, and growth.
  • Iron - Iron is another essential mineral that helps with hemoglobin production.

All of these nutrients make prunes sound really good for dogs, right? That’s true, and these nutrients are crucial for dogs. However, to get them from prunes, dogs will have to ingest other things found in prunes that are not that good for them.

Are prunes bad for dogs?

As you can see, prunes are packed with healthy nutrients. However, dogs cannot ingest them without other things found in prunes - sugar and prunnic acid. Dogs need sugar, but not too much of it. Most of it comes from carbs that are broken down to sugar or glucose. However, too much sugar is just as damaging to dogs as it is to us. Sugar can cause diarrhea, cavities, toxicity, metabollic changes, and ultimately lead to diabetes. It’s best to avoid giving your dog sweet foods.

The second problematic thing is prunnic acid. This chemical compound is dangerous to humans and dogs. However, it is dangerous if ingested in large amounts. It is similar to cyanide, which is one of the most potent poisons.

dried plums on tree

Another issue is that dogs don’t digest prunes that well. They are prone to developing stomach issues like diarrhea, gassiness, and vomiting. That is not something dog owners want to deal with.

Can I give my dog prunes as a treat?

Intentionally feeding your dog prunes is not the best idea for all the reasons we mentioned earlier. However, if your dog is absolutely crazy about prunes, you should give them only a tiny amount and only on rare occasions.

What if my dog ate a lot of prunes?

Sometimes, despite our best efforts, dogs can reach things they shouldn’t, which means they can get their paws on a package of prunes while you aren’t looking. The first thing your vet will ask you is how many prunes your dog managed to steal. If they only ate a tiny bit you dropped on the floor - don’t panic. Nothing terrible will happen. Your dog might vomit or get diarrhea, but that will pass.

However, if your dog ate a whole package or bag of prunes, you should keep an eye on their behavior. They might experience severe stomach issues that can last a couple of days. You must keep your dog hydrated because vomiting and diarrhea can cause them to dehydrate pretty fast.

dried-apricot and prune

Another potential problem is the prune’s pit. Some come with their pit still inside, which means your dog can get poisoned. The pits contain cyanide, and while one pit won’t cause damage, a few of them might. Plus, the pit can cause digestive obstructions, and your dog might be severely constipated. The worst cases might require surgery.

In conclusion

Prunes are not toxic to dogs. They will not cause severe issues if ingested in moderation. However, if your dog eats many of them, they can experience problems like vomiting and diarrhea. Prunes contain a lot of sugar which isn’t safe for dogs. There are a lot better options like apples, carrots, or bananas to feed your dog.

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