Graham Crackers & Dogs - Should They Mix?

Graham Crackers & Dogs - Should They Mix?

Author WDF Staff


If you love to eat graham crackers and you own a dog who will most likely come near you every time you start eating some, maybe one question crossed your mind– Can dogs eat graham crackers? When sharing human food with our dogs, we must understand what is good and beneficial for them and what can cause them harm.

Graham crackers are not toxic to dogs, but we advise you against feeding your dog with some. Here is why.

Can dogs eat graham crackers?

Generally speaking, dogs could eat graham crackers in moderation, but the better question would be: Should dogs eat graham crackers? This is entirely different. Giving your small dog a piece of graham cracker from time to time shouldn't cause him any harm unless he is diagnosed with some health problem, such as an allergy. In this case, you should avoid giving your dog graham crackers.

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Why should graham crackers be avoided?

Although they are not toxic to dogs, that doesn't mean that graham crackers cannot cause harm to your dog. Since they are packed with carbohydrates and sugars, if you allow your dog to eat many of these crackers, your dog could experience some serious health problems.

Every dog is different, and there is no exact amount that we can say how much graham crackers will cause your dog to develop health problems. Depending on different factors, dog size, age, and his general heath, some dogs will be more tolerant of crackers while others won't.

WORLD DOG FINDER TIP: Since graham crackers don't offer any nutritional value to your dog, it is best if you don't offer your dog any. If you want to "spice" your dog's diet, there are a variety of healthy human snacks you can offer to your dog.

graham crackers

How many graham crackers can dogs eat?

If you can't help yourself and you decide to share some graham crackers with your dog, you must understand that graham crackers will not offer any nutritional value to your dog. Treats shouldn't exceed more than 10% of your dog's daily food intake. Depending on your dog's size and daily food intake, you can calculate how many graham crackers you can share with your pooch.

Our advice would be only to share a small piece of graham cracker with your dog and not allow him to eat more. Why would you take a risk with your dog's health? Let's look at all the health problems connected to sharing graham crackers with your dog, and maybe you will change your mind.

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Health problems connected to graham crackers

To better help you understand why sharing graham crackers with your dog is not such a good idea, we will list all the health problems your dog can develop. Of course, if you share small pieces of graham crackers with your dog, that doesn't necessarily mean that your dog will develop any, but we strongly advise you against it. Here are 5 health concerns connected with sharing graham crackers with your dog.

1. Allergy reaction

There were many cases where graham crackers caused allergic reactions in dogs. Depending on the ingredients used for making these crackers, your dog could be intolerant to some. If you notice any of these symptoms in your dog, he may be experiencing an allergic reaction:

  • Redness
  • Swelling
  • Itchiness
  • Breathing problems


RELATED: Dog Food Allergies: What Are They & How To Spot Them

2. Obesity

The most common health problem connected with an intake of lots of sugars and carbohydrates is obesity. Obesity is a serious health concern that affects more and more dogs every year. Many factors will help develop obesity in your dog, not just a bad diet. Lacking physical exercise will also help develop obesity.

This is an extremely dangerous health problem, and you should protect your dog and not allow him to become obese.

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3. Teeth problems

The same problem is connected to humans. If we ingest a lot of sugar daily and don't have good oral hygiene, we can experience teeth problems. Many dog owners usually forget about providing good oral hygiene to their dogs, and teeth problems can occur with a combination of ingesting lots of sugar.

RELATED: Dog Teeth Cleaning - How to Keep Your Dog's Teeth Clean?

4. Heart problems

Ingesting much sugar daily can increase your dog's blood sugar levels, which is an extremely dangerous problem. By increasing sugar levels, your dog could easier develop heart problems, and you don't want that for your dog.

5. Poisoning

Many human foods contain an artificial sweetener called xylitol, which is extremely toxic for dogs. Even if your dog ingests a small amount, there is still possible that he may experience toxicity.

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