Can Dogs Eat Eggshells? Is It Safe For Them?

Can Dogs Eat Eggshells? Is It Safe For Them?

Author WDF Staff


Do you have a dog that will happily eat anything? Although your dog may enjoy eating human food that falls to the floor like a doggie garbage disposal machine, many foods are harmful to dogs. It makes you wonder if even something as simple as eggshells is safe for dogs to eat.

You may already know that dogs can eat eggs (which offer numerous health benefits), but what about eggshells? Can dogs eat eggshells?

The short answer is yes, but there are specific things you should consider before you add them to your dog’s diet. We'll teach you everything there is to know about dogs eating eggshells.

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Are Eggshells Safe For Dogs?

If your dog happened to come across a bird's nest outside, they would devour the eggs - shells and all. The powerful jaws and sharp teeth of your dog would quickly demolish the fragile shell.

white eggshells

The shell, on the other hand, would not completely dissolve in your dog's digestive tract. Because your pup's body wasn't able to completely digest the hard shell, you'd see pieces of it later.

So, while dogs can eat eggshells, they must be fed in a way that allows the shells to be digested.

How Should You Feed Eggshells to Your Dog?

Although dogs are not at risk of Salmonella poisoning in the same way humans are, it is easier to prepare eggshells if they come from cooked eggs. The shells will become much more brittle, making them easier to grind into a powder.

Because the powder is easily added to food, powdered eggshells are the best way to feed your dog. This form also allows the minerals in the eggshells to be absorbed by your dog's digestive tract.

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Eggshells can be cooked in two ways. The first option is to simply boil some eggs and save the peeled shells. You can grind the shells in a food processor or crush them with a rolling pin if you put them in a plastic storage bag. Eggshells can also be baked in the oven. Here's a quick way to make them:

  1. Heat the oven to 300 degrees Fahrenheit.
  2. Arrange the eggshells on a baking sheet in an even layer.
  3. Bake for 5 to 7 minutes at 350°F. The eggshells should remain white or light brown but should not darken.
  4. Allow the eggshells to cool before pulverizing them in a coffee grinder or food processor.
  5. Store the powdered eggshells at room temperature in an airtight container for up to two months.

broken eggshells

What Are the Health Advantages of Using Eggshells?

We have established eggshells can be safely eaten by dogs, but are there any benefits to feeding eggshells to your dog? Yes, there are! Eggshells contain a variety of essential minerals that are beneficial to dogs. Here are the best things your dog can get from eating eggshells;


Calcium and phosphorus are minerals that help to build strong bones and teeth. Fortunately, eggshells are high in both. Phosphorus, like calcium, is required for blood clotting, muscle growth, and nervous system function in your dog.


Dogs, like humans, require calcium for strong bones and teeth. However, that is not the only things calcium does to your dog's body. It also aids in blood clotting, muscle contraction, lactating dog milk production, heart pumping, vision, and a healthy metabolism.

In most cases, commercial dog foods meet the calcium requirements of dogs. Some medical conditions, however, cause dogs to have low calcium levels in their blood. Calcium deficiency can be caused by three conditions: kidney failure, hypoparathyroidism, and hyperparathyroidism.

cracked egg

If your dog has a calcium deficiency, calcium supplements may be beneficial, but always consult your veterinarian first. Eggshells are a great source of calcium and a cheap supplement for your dog.

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Eggshells are high in magnesium, another mineral your dog requires for good health. Magnesium is needed for dogs to absorb calcium properly. Like calcium and phosphorus, magnesium is essential for muscle and bone development.

Safety Concerns

Eggshells are high in calcium, a mineral that is essential for a dog's health. However, there is such a thing as having too much of a good thing. When dogs have an excess of calcium in their blood, they are hypercalcemic. This condition causes many health issues, including digestive problems, excessive thirst, bladder stones, hypertension, and lethargy.

Dogs usually become hypercalcemic when they have another medical condition that prevents their thyroid glands from controlling their calcium levels properly. Before giving your dog eggshells, consult your veterinarian about any potential side effects. This is especially important if you know your dog has a thyroid condition.

There's usually no need to supplement your dog's diet with calcium if you provide them with well-balanced commercial dog food. This increases the risk of your dog having too much calcium in their blood. However, if you feed your dog a raw food diet, you will need calcium supplements. Eggshells are an excellent source and addition to dog foods prepared at home.


Another issue to be concerned about is feeding your dog bleached eggshells from the grocery store. Because these shells have been chemically treated to sanitize them, it is best to feed your dog unbleached eggshells.

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In Conclusion

Dogs can eat eggshells without issue, but they must be adequately prepared to reap the full health benefits. Because a dog's digestive tract cannot break down shells, they must be in powder form.

Eggshells are high in calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium, which are all essential minerals. These minerals are crucial for strong bones and teeth, as well as your dog's overall health.

If your dog has a thyroid condition or another health condition that prevents the body from controlling calcium levels in the blood, consult with your vet before adding eggshells to their diet. Some dogs may be harmed by an excess of calcium.

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