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The Saarloos Wolfdog as their name suggests are very wolf like. They were bred by crossing a German Shepherd Dog with a European Wolf. Saarloos Wolfdogs are known for their natural behaviors. This bre...
Mehr sehenSaluki
The Saluki was originally bred in the Fertile Crescent. From Iran, such dogs are mentioned in the poetry of Khaghani, depicted in miniature paintings of hunting scenes. The modern breed is typically...
Mehr sehenSamojede
The Samoyed is a breed of large herding dog, from the spitz group. These dogs lived as part of the family in the hide tents of their families, where one of their “jobs” was to keep the children warm i...
Mehr sehenSavetalbracke
The Scent Hound from the Save Valley is a sound yet rare hunting breed from Croatia where it has existed for hundreds of years. There is a description of this hound in a manuscript from the 1719 of th...
Mehr sehenSchapendoes
The Schapendoes is a breed of dog originating in the Netherlands. They were the local working dog, adapted to the people, environment, and types of work needed. Today he is more likely to be a family...
Mehr sehenSchillerstovare
The exact origins of the Schillerstovare breed are unknown but it is thought that his predecessors hunted the forests of Sweden as far back as the Middle Ages. The Schillerstovare was developed in Swe...
Mehr sehenSchipperke
A Schipperke is a small breed of dog that originated in the early 16th century. Before the name "Schipperke" was officially taken, the breed was also known as "Spits" or "Spitzke", a name commonly us...
Mehr sehenSchnauzer
The Standard Schnauzer is a dog breed that originated in Germany from between 14th-15th century. "Snouter" comes from the German word for "snout" and means "moustache". The breed is classified as a wo...
Mehr sehenSchottischer Hirschhund
Scottish Deerhound also known as “Royal Dog of Scotland”, is a large breed of hound and its original purpose was to hunt and bring down the Scottish roe deer, a magnificent beast twice or more their s...
Mehr sehenSchottischer Terrier
The Scottish Terrier, popularly called the Scottie is a small breed of terrier with a distinctive shape and have had many roles in popular culture. They have an independent and stubborn character but...
Mehr sehenSchwarz-lohfarbener Waschbärenhund
The Black and Tan Coonhound is a hunting dog breed. First bred in the United States by crossing the Bloodhound and the Black and Tan Virginia Foxhound, this black and tan hound follows its prey entire...
Mehr sehenSchwedische Dachsbracke
The Drever is a short-legged scenthound dog breed from Sweden used for hunting deer and other game. The Drever is descended from the Westphalian Dachsbracke, a type of German hound called Bracke. T...
Mehr sehenSchwedischer Elchhund
The Jämthund, also called the Swedish Elkhound/Moosehound, is a dog breed of the Spitz family that have origins in Scandinavian part of Europe. The Jämthund was named after Jämtland, a historical par...
Mehr sehenSchwedischer Lapphund
The Swedish Lapphund, nicknamed Lappie, is a breed of the Spitz type from Sweden. Over the centuries, it has worked as a hunting dog, guard dog, and reindeer herder. This breed is rare and little know...
Mehr sehenSchwedischer Wallhund
The Swedish Vallhunds name means “herding” or “shepherd” dog and is said to descend from dogs of the Vikings. The breed is energetic, playful and loving. The Vallhund is calm and adaptable, making th...
Mehr sehenSchweizer Laufhund
The Swiss Hound has been around since the Middle Ages in Switzerland. In the 15th century, this breed was sought after by Italian dog lovers and in the 18th century by the French for its exceptional a...
Mehr sehenSchweizer Niederlaufhund
The Small Swiss Hound is a smaller version of the Swiss Hound originating in Switzerland. There are four varieties of the Small Swiss Hound which vary only in color: Small Bernese Hound, Small Jura Ho...
Mehr sehenSealyham Terrier
The Sealyham Terrier is a rare Welsh breed of small to medium-sized terrier that originated in Wales and was originally bred to hunt otters, foxes, and badgers. The Sealyham owes its existence to the...
Mehr sehenSegugio Maremmano
The Segugio Maremmano is a breed of dog from the coastal plains of Maremma, in Tuscany. It is widely used for hunting wild boar because these dogs bark keeping still. The breed is recognized 2018. by...
Mehr sehenSerbischer Laufhund
Also known as the Balkan Hound, the Serbian Hound is a medium-sized hound that originated in the Balkans. It is one of many scent hounds that have lived in the Balkans for many years. First record of...
Mehr sehenSerra da Estrela Berghund
The Estrela Mountain Dog is a large dog breed whose purpose was to guard homes and herds in the Estrela Mountains, Portugal. This breed comes in two varieties, long-haired (Group 2, Section 2.2 #173a)...
Mehr sehenShar Pei
The Shar-Pei is a breed of dog known for its deep wrinkles and blue-black tongue. The breed originates from Canton, China and original Shar-Pei from China may have looked very different from the breed...
Mehr sehenShetland Sheepdog
Die Shetland Sheepdogs halfen schottischen Bauern jahrhundertelang bei der Aufzucht und Pflege von Schafen und Geflügel. Sie wurden nach den Shetland-Inseln benannt, die ihr u...
Mehr sehenShiba
The Shiba Inu originated in Japan along with the Akita, Shikoku, Kai Dog, Hokkaido and Kishu which are all Japan’s native breeds. All these breeds are larger than the Shiba Inu. It was primarily used...
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