Schottischer Hirschhund
Letzte Aktualisierung: Aug 31 2023
Scottish Deerhound also known as “Royal Dog of Scotland”, is a large breed of hound and its original purpose was to hunt and bring down the Scottish roe deer, a magnificent beast twice or more their size. Later they became known as the royal dog of Scotland and no one ranking below earl was permitted to own one. With their strict ownership rules the dogs were not very populous in number and took an even harder hit almost to extinction. Archibald and Duncan McNeill saved the breed in the 1800s when they started a breeding program.

Die Höhe:
71-81 cm

Das Gewicht:
34-50 kg

Der Ursprung:

Die Lebenserwartung:
8-11 jahre
Die Hunderasse Eigenschaften
Das Energieniveau
Das Pflegebedürfnisse
Der Übungsbedarf
Die Trainings Fähigkeit
Die Intelligenz
Das Allgemeine Gesundheit