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The Kai Ken is a dog breed that originates in Japan where it has a status of a national monument and has been bred there for hundreds of years. It is a rare dog breed even in its native land of Japan...
Mehr sehenKanaan-hund
The Canaan Dog, is also known as the Palestinian Pariah dog and the Bedouin Sheepdog. It is a breed of pariah dog, which has been in existence in the Middle East for thousands of years. Today there ar...
Mehr sehenKanadischer Eskimohund
The Canadian Eskimo Dog is an Arctic breed of working dog, which is often considered to be one of North America's oldest and rarest remaining purebred indigenous domestic canines. Prior to the 1960s t...
Mehr sehenKanarischer Podenco
Podenco Canario or Canarian Warren Hound is a dog breed originating from the Canary Islands. The Podenco Canario is still used in the Canary Islands today in packs as a hunting dog, mostly used for ra...
Mehr sehenKangal Hirtenhund
The Kangal Shepherd Dog is a large livestock guardian dog breed from Sivas region, Turkey. This particular shepherd dog is usually mistaken as a sheep dog, it is not a herding dog, but rather a flock...
Mehr sehenKarelischer Bärenhund
The Karelian Bear Dog is a Finnish dog breed. Karelian Bear Dogs are a versatile hunting dog and because of its quick reactions and fearless character became very popular for hunting aggressive game,...
Mehr sehenKarst Schäferhund
The Karst Shepherd is a dog breed of the livestock guardian type, with origins in Slovenia. The Karst Shepherd got its name from the Karst Plateau in Slovenia and more generally after the Karst landsc...
Mehr sehenKatalanischer Schäferhund
The Catalan Sheepdog is a breed of dog originating in the Catalonian Pyreenes and has been used all across Catalonia as a sheep herding dog. As this breed is from the region of Catalonia it was used a...
Mehr sehenKaukasischer Owtscharka
The Caucasian Shepherd Dog is a large guard dog breed from the Caucasus Mountains. Throughout history these dogs served shepherds in the region of the Caucasus mountains as livestock guardian dogs, de...
Mehr sehenKerry Blue Terrier
The Kerry Blue Terrier is a dog breed originally bred for vermin control but over time the Kerry became an all purpose working dog employed for all sorts of jobs including herding and guarding propert...
Mehr sehenKing Charles Spaniel
The King Charles Spaniel is also known as the English Toy Spaniel, is a small breed of dog from the spaniel family. It is thought that the toy spaniels that eventually became the King Charles Spaniel...
Mehr sehenKintamani-Bali-hund
The Kintamani (Kintamani-Bal Dog) is native to the island of Bali (Indonesia). It is very rare outside his homeland. It was developed from the local Bali street dogs. They are very caring and loyal to...
Mehr sehenKishu
The Kishu sometimes called Kishu Ken or Kishu Inu, is a Japanese medium sized dog breed, developed there for thousands of years. It is a direct descendant from ancient medium-sized breeds and named af...
Mehr sehenKleiner Basset Griffon Vendeen
The Petit Basset Griffon Vendéen, or PBGV, is a breed of dog of the scent hound type, bred to trail hares in bramble-filled terrain of the Vendée district of France. The breed is known in the United S...
Mehr sehenKleiner Blauer Gascogne Laufhund
This dog was bred for hunting small game such as rabbits. The breeding began by focusing on smaller versions that were more suited for pursuing small game. This breed has always been highly valued for...
Mehr sehenKleiner Münsterländer
Small Munsterlander is a hunting-pointing-retrieving dog breed that reached its current form in the area around Münster, Germany. The breed is not related to The Large Münsterländer although is from t...
Mehr sehenKomondor
The Komondor, also called the Hungarian sheepdog, is a large, ivory-coloured breed of livestock guardian dog with a long, corded coat originating from Hungary. Sometimes referred to as 'mop dogs', the...
Mehr sehenKontinentaler Zwergspaniel
The Continental Toy Spaniel, is a dog breed from the spaniel family. It comes in two varieties The Papillon and The Phalène. The most noticable difference between the two varieties are the ears, Papil...
Mehr sehenKoreanischer Jindo
The Korean Jindo is a breed of hunting dog that originated on Jindo Island in South Korea. This breed was first brought and made popular in the United States by South Korean immigrants. In South Korea...
Mehr sehenKroatischer Schäferhund
The Croatian Sheepdog is a medium sized dog breed originating in the eastern part of Croatia, the region of Slavonija. For hundred years it was used as a companion and a cattle dog and was around the...
Mehr sehenKromfohrlander
The Kromfohrländer is a dog breed that originated in Germany and is mostly kept as a companion and a house dog. This breed has a distinctive 'smile' and will sneeze to greet you. The Kromfohrland...
Mehr sehenKurzhaarige Istrianer Bracke
The Istrian Shorthaired Hound is a dog breed originating from the region of Istria in Croatia and is a descendent from an old type of scenthound. This hound is the slightly smaller counterpart to the...
Mehr sehenKurzhaariger Italienischer Laufhund
The Italian shorthaired hound can be traced back to antiquity and it is almost certainly a descendent of primitive hounds from ancient Egypt. These hounds were used for hunting game. At some point in...
Mehr sehenKurzhaariger Schottischer Schaferhund
The Smooth Collie is a dog breed developed primarily for herding. It is a short coated variety of the more known Rough Collie of Lassie fame. Some kennel clubs consider the smooth and rough Collie dog...
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