Can Dogs Eat Sardines

Can Dogs Eat Sardines

Author WDF Staff


Do you know what your dog’s favorite food is? It’s whatever you are eating at the moment. They would love nothing more than grab a bit of your food. Many of us like eating fish, and if you ever wondered, “Can dogs eat sardines?” you should know the answer is - yes. This might be a tiny fish, but it packs a powerful nutritional punch. Here’s what you should know about giving your dog sardines.

Are sardines good for dogs?

As we already mentioned, sardines pack a pretty healthy nutritional punch. They are packed with healthy nutrients, and feeding them to your dog can be very good for them. Some of the things sardines can do for your dog are immune system boost, protection against kidney disease, muscle and connective tissue development, increase dental health, and improve skin and coat health. None of those things would be possible if sardines were unhealthy. Here are some of the best things found in these tiny fish;

  • Protein
  • Amino acids
  • Omega-3 fatty acids
  • Vitamin D
  • Vitamin B12
  • Coenzyme Q10

While sardines are considered fairly safe and good for dogs, you should still talk to your vet about including new things in your dog’s diet. Your vet knows your dog’s health and potential issues, so they can give you the best possible advice.

maroccan sardines

Can sardines be bad?

Unfortunately, there are a few potential issues that can bother even such a healthy snack as sardines. Fish can contain unhealthy levels of mercury and lead. Those are toxic metals, and if you are not sure where the fish comes from, you shouldn’t give them to your dog.

Another issue that popped up recently is an alarmingly high amount of strontium. This is another dangerous element that could potentially harm your dog. Many vets noticed elevated strontium’s radioactive isotope levels in dogs after the Fukushima nuclear plant disaster in 2011.

sardines closeup

IMPORTANT TIP: If you want to include sardines in your dog’s diet, our sincere advice is to get the fish from local, trusted sources. Read the ingredients carefully, and make sure it has been tested for potentially harmful things.

How to include sardines into your dog’s diet?

There are a few ways to include these healthy fish in your dog’s diet. The most popular way is simply adding it to the dog’s usual kibble. However, you have to make sure you don’t give your dog salted sardines or sardines that are preserved in anything other than natural oils (olive, coconut, etc.). If you have a small dog at home, one sardine a day for one week will ensure your dog reaps all the benefits. Two sardines will do the trick if you have a larger dog, like a Golden Retriever or Labrador. The good news is that dogs usually love the taste of this delicious little fish.

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