Can You Give Ginger to Your Dog?

Can You Give Ginger to Your Dog?

Author WDF Staff


Ginger is one of those things that many believe has healing properties. It is included in Eastern medicine and Western Herbal medicine, and many dog owners wonder, “Can dogs eat ginger?” If you are wondering the same thing, here is what you should know about giving your dog ginger;

Is ginger safe for dogs?

The first thing we need to know is if ginger is safe for our dogs to ingest. The answer is - Yes, but only in small amounts. You can give ginger to your dog, but they will experience gastrointestinal upsets and discomfort if you overfeed them. Like with any other dog product, moderation is the key.

ginger on table

Dogs can eat ginger raw, but some might not like the taste. You can also give powdered or dried ginger to your dog, as well as ginger juice. However, the same rules apply. Make sure you don’t overfeed your dog on ginger.

Is ginger good for dogs?

Before you decide to introduce anything to your dog’s diet, you need to make sure your dog will benefit from it. It makes no sense to give your dog things that are bad for them, or your dog enjoys the taste. We are sure your dog would love seasoned chicken, but seasoning can be toxic to dogs, and you should avoid it.

The good news is that ginger can offer some health benefits to your dog. Ginger contains some healthy nutrients. It even has some positive effects on motion sickness, brain, and other things we will talk about in a couple of moments. Here are some of the best things ginger can offer our dogs (and us);

Vitamins and minerals

The ginger plant contains antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. However, it is not the best way to make sure your dog gets some vitamins in them. This is additional benefit ginger has to offer, and you should know your dog will receive a moderate amount of vitamins C and B, copper, and potassium.

ginger root on table

Aids in heartworm treatment

Some studies suggested ginger helps with heartworm treatment. Keep in mind, ginger alone won’t clear your dog of heartworms, but it can help heartworm medications become more effective. However, further studies are needed that will confirm this alleged health benefit.

Helps with motion sickness

Ginger might help dogs that get car sick. Scientists have not conducted a study that was focused on the effect ginger has on dogs, but it showed it had an influence on humans with the same problem. Ginger significantly reduced nausea in humans, and dog owners reported the same effect of ginger on dogs.

Other promising studies

There are many studies dedicated to finding out all the properties ginger possesses. Studies are done on mice and rats, and there is evidence ginger has a positive effect on dog dementia, obesity, and inflammation. The studies haven’t been moved to dogs, but rats and mice show promising results.

ginger root cut

What is the best way to give ginger to dogs?

There are many ways you can feed your dog ginger, and some are simply better than others. Dog owners usually give their dog a tiny piece of raw ginger mixed with their food. Dried and powdered ginger are more likely to cause a stomach upset, so these options are generally avoided. There are also liquid, tablet, and capsule forms.

What is a safe amount of ginger for dogs?

Usually, only a tiny bit of raw ginger is a safe bet. Your dog will reap all the benefits, and you will leave out most risks and unwanted side effects ginger can cause. Chop the ginger into tiny pieces. Medium-sized dogs should eat no more than one tablespoon of raw ginger. Make sure you cut it into tiny pieces, so it doesn’t cause blockage and constipation.

Can ginger be bad for dogs?

Unfortunately, ginger can have some unwanted side effects, especially if you overfeed your dog on it. Some dogs can be allergic to ginger, so before you decide to include this plant in your dog’s regular diet, try it out first. Give your dog a tiny bit of raw ginger and observe them for any side effects. If your dog doesn’t show any allergy symptoms, you can try feeding ginger to your dog. Some of the things to look for are heaving, redness, itchiness, coughing, gagging, elevated heart rate, and drowsiness.

If your dog is not allergic to ginger, that doesn’t mean there aren’t any side effects this plant can cause them. Ginger can easily upset a dog’s stomach, and you can notice things like vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, and loss of appetite. If you notice any of these symptoms, it would be best to stop giving ginger to your dog.

Ginger as ailment

If you are interested in including ginger in your dog’s diet and using it as an ailment for your dog’s health issues, you should call your vet and ask for advice. Ginger might offer some benefits, but it is not a medication or a miraculous cure for health problems. The exact properties ginger possesses are not yet entirely confirmed, and there are usually better ways to treat your dog than using plants with questionable effects. You should talk to your vet and check for the correct dosages and safe ways to include ginger in your dog’s diet.

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