Can Dogs Eat Clementines?

Can Dogs Eat Clementines?

Author WDF Staff


Dogs love sharing some of our food. It doesn’t really matter to them what it is we are eating; they just want some. One of our favorite fruits is clementines. They are similar to oranges and tangerines, which means they can offer humans plenty of health benefits. However, can dogs eat clementines? If you wondered the same thing, you should know we talked to our nutritional experts, and they said - yes, but some restrictions should apply. Here’s what you should know about giving clementines to your dog.

Are clementines safe for dogs?

One of the first questions you need to know the answer to is, “Are clementines safe for dogs to eat?” They contain a lot of citric acid and vitamins, so our first instinct would be - probably yes. However, dog’s digestive systems and nutritional needs are different than ours. We might need fruit in our diet, but dogs don’t.

After speaking with our canine nutritionists, we learned that dogs can indeed eat clementines, but not too many. They told us the key thing to remember is portion control. Small amounts can be tasty and safe for dogs, but giving your dog too much of this delicious fruit can cause a digestive reaction.


What if my dog eats too much?

Dog’s digestive system cannot handle too much citric acid. This is not something they absolutely need in their diets, and eating too much will cause digestive issues. If your dog got their paws on a lot of clementines while you weren’t looking (it happens), chances are they will vomit, get diarrhea, experience loss or decreased appetite, and get a stomach ache.

VET TIP: Dog’s liver synthesizes vitamin C, so in many cases, dogs don’t need an additional boost. If they are overexercised, the liver’s capacity to produce this crucial vitamin can be decreased. In that case, giving an extra boost can be a good idea.

Can clementines be bad for dogs?

Like with any other human food, you should stick to the recommended amounts. Dogs get all nutrients they need from high-quality dog food. That means they don’t actually need other things like fruits or veggies. Plus, many dog food brands already include them in their recipes. Two main issues in clementines are citric acid and high sugar content. Fruits like clementines are maybe great for humans to lose weight, but in dogs, it can actually lead to canine obesity. That is why dogs shouldn’t eat them too often and in large quantities. This fruit is absolutely off-limits for dogs with diabetes.

sliced clementines

Can they be good?

There are some cases where clementines can be good for dogs. If a dog is recovering from a disease or is sick, vitamins can boost their immune system. Other than that, clementines won’t offer many health benefits to your dog. They are safe and non-toxic, but there are far better choices, like pumpkin, apples, or bell peppers.

Do dogs like clementines?

We love the sour-sweet taste clementines have, but that doesn’t mean your dog will too. Dogs usually don’t like the acidic flavors of oranges, lemon, or grapefruit. It is entirely possible your dog tries a tiny bit of clementine and decides not to eat them anymore.

How much of a clementine can my dog eat?

If your dog likes clementines, you shouldn’t give too much of it to them. As we already said, overeating can cause digestive issues. You must treat clementines as rare treats your dog gets and not as a legit food source. You can safely give your average Golden Retriever 2 - 3 sections of a clementine three times a week. Smaller breeds shouldn’t eat more than one section, and larger dogs can eat 4 or 5 at the max.

clementine with stem

How to give clementines to your dog?

If you’re adamant about giving clementines to your dog, you should know how to properly serve them. Remove the peel and the pith. Clementines don’t contain seeds, so you don’t have to worry about those.

VET TIP: Before you decide to include something new, like clementines, into your dog’s diet, make sure you talk to your vet. They can tell you if that is a good idea. Plus, they know your dog’s physical health and potential dietary restrictions.

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