Ways to Check if It’s Too Hot to Walk Your Dog

Ways to Check if It’s Too Hot to Walk Your Dog

Author WDF Staff


The summer is finally here, and we can’t wait for all the beach fun and cold drinks that come with it. Dogs enjoy all the fun right alongside us, but dog owners need to be careful with their dogs during hot days. Sometimes, the sun can be too hot to even walk your dog outside. As a responsible owner, you should know ways to check if it’s too hot to walk your dog.

How to check if it’s too hot to walk your dog

Dogs usually don’t have protective gear on their paws that can help them endure the scorching pavement. Their paw pads are durable, but they are also very sensitive. Before you walk outside during hot summer days, you should make sure your dog’s pads won’t get burned on the pavement. Here is how to do it;

The best way to check if it’s too hot to walk your dog is to place the back of your hand on the pavement. Hold it there for 7 seconds, and if the heat is too intense, you shouldn’t walk your dog. If you absolutely have to walk your dog, you should stick to grass and shady areas. Their pads are sensitive, and you should be careful not to hurt your dog with unnecessary walks during the hottest parts of the day.

bulldog on beach

Dog walks during summer

If you live in areas that get extremely hot temperatures, you should plan your dog walks. Dogs are a lot more susceptible to extreme heat than we are. Avoid walks during the hottest parts of the day and only let your dog outside to “do their business.” Schedule longer walks early in the morning and late in the evening when the heat is not so intense. Dogs still need activity, even during summer, so make sure you provide it to them when the heat is not so intense.

Another thing you should do is get familiar with signs of heatstroke in dogs. They can’t cool themselves as we can, and heatstroke can happen surprisingly fast. You should know how to spot signs of dehydration in dogs and make sure your dog always has plenty of water available.

Other things to consider

The heat might be the most important thing you should account for when deciding if it’s too hot to walk your dog, but it’s not the only thing. You should check the humidity, wind, and amount of shade available to your dog. High humidity can make it seem that the heat is even more intense. It can cause your dog to overheat even faster, so make sure you go out during the day when the heat and humidity are at their lowest.

walking dog in woods

The amount of wind and shade will go into your and your dog’s favor, so use them. Walk in shady and windy areas because these two things will lower the temperature and heat. Getting out of direct sunlight can be a life-saver, so make sure you pick the best possible thing for your dog.

In conclusion

Before you go for a walk during the hot summer days, you should make sure it is not too hot outside to walk your dog. Check the pavement with the back of your hand and make sure you can hold it like that for at least 7 seconds. Account for humidity, wind, and shady areas. As a responsible dog owner, you should do all you can to keep your dog as healthy and happy as possible. Something as easy as checking the pavement shouldn’t be a problem.

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