Dog Sploot - 4 Reasons Why Dogs Do It

Dog Sploot - 4 Reasons Why Dogs Do It

Author WDF Staff | Last updated: Jun 09 2023


Dog owners know how fun their dogs can be. They exhibit various behaviors that might be puzzling to us, but dogs seem to enjoy them. One of those behaviors is the sploot. A splooting dog is certainly funny, but many dog owners want to know, “Why do dogs sploot?” Is it some kind of a neurological disorder, or is it just something they do to amuse themselves? Here’s what you should know about the dog sploot.

What is a sploot?

Sploot is a term coined by the online community. That community mainly consists of gen z and millennials, who are incredibly creative in coming up with new terms. This term might be new, but “splooting” has been around since dogs are around. The easiest way to describe what dog splooting is is this - Splooting is when a dog (or other animals) lays flat on the floor with all four legs spread out. The dog’s front legs will be in front of them, and their hind legs will be extended behind them.

There wasn’t an exact term that would describe that unique pose. However, we think that the word “sploot” perfectly fits the action. It is a perfect way to describe our dogs’ interesting way to rest on the ground.

golden hind legs splootingImage Source

Why do dogs do it?

If you ever witnessed your dog splooting on the floor, you might have thought, ”What is my dog doing?” or “Why do dogs sploot?” There are a few theories of which none might be true, or all of them can be true. Dog behaviorists didn’t reach a definitive agreement on why dogs sploot. Here are some of the reasons dogs might sploot;

1. Stretching

The first possible reason dogs might sploot is stretching. You know how good it feels when you stretch in the morning after spending a lot of time in the same position or stretching after you exercise. Well, dogs might get the same feeling of comfort and enjoyment from splooting. This particular pose provides them with a full-body stretch. All their limbs, hips, and shoulders will be stretched out. Stretching relieves the pressure in their joints, which is a nice feeling.

2. Cooling

One of the most plausible theories is that splooting allows a dog to cool its core body temperature. All of their vital organs are placed in the middle of their body, so they might stretch and place their belly on cool surfaces to cool down a bit. Dogs often sploot during summer, when the weather outside is pretty hot. This might be a great way to get a large proportion of their bodies on a cool surface. Plus, the coat on their belly is usually thinner.

bernese puppy splootingImage Source

3. Relaxing

Like us, dogs like to assume the most comfortable position. No one wants to lie down on the couch or bed and be in an uncomfortable position. The splooting position can be relaxing for some dogs. It stretches them, and it simply feels good. Some vets and owners claim this is the main reason, and there’s not much hiding behind this funny dog position.

4. Natural

Puppies and younger dogs have greater flexibility than adult dogs, much like human babies. They can easily lift their legs up to their heads. We’re sure we’d end up in a hospital with several issues if we tried doing that. Their flexibility might be responsible for this outcome. They simply stretch a bit and end up in that position naturally.

Should I be concerned about splooting?

In most cases, splooting is not a reason to be concerned. Just enjoy the funny position your dog assumed and let them enjoy it as well. Unfortunately, some cases of splooting can be a reason for concern, especially if senior dogs start doing it out of nowhere. If your older dog suddenly starts splooting and they weren’t doing it before, it can be a sign of discomfort. Perhaps their joints are painful, and this type of stretch provides comfort. Some of the health concerns splooting can be a symptom of are;

These problems can be mild or severe, but none of them should be taken lightly especially hip dysplasia and ataxia. You should contact your vet and schedule an appointment for your dog. However, these health conditions will usually be accompanied by other symptoms, like;

  • Activity reduction
  • Limping
  • Gait change
  • Rash
  • Increased itchiness
  • Loss of appetite

If splooting is combined with these symptoms, it’s most likely that the dog has developed some health issues and needs veterinary intervention.

In conclusion

Splooting is a relatively new term coined by the online community. It is a term that describes an animal laying flat with its limbs fully stretched. It is not entirely known why they sploot, but it is mostly a harmless way the dog will lie on the ground. In rare cases, splooting can be a sign of health issues. If that’s the case, splooting will be combined with other symptoms.

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