140+ Best Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Names

140+ Best Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Names

Author WDF Staff


There aren’t many dog breeds cuter than the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. If you’re getting a Cavalier puppy, one of the first things you will have to do is pick a name for this adorable pup. Picking the right name for any dog is challenging. You’d want something that will reflect the dog’s personality. At the same time, you’d want a name that might reflect some of your interests as well. Here’s what you should know about the best Cavalier King Charles Spaniel names.

Choosing a name

Whenever future dog owners pick a name for their dog, there are a few things they should keep an eye on. Of course, you will ultimately pick a name you like the most, but that doesn’t mean some universal guidelines don’t apply. Let your imagination run free and look for names that might make your dog stand out in the dog park crowd.

Names that sound like commands

The first guideline for picking a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel name is - don’t choose a name that sounds like a command. All dogs need training, and chances are, your Cavalier will learn one of the easiest commands like “Sit.” Choosing a name like Kit is not the best idea. The dog might get confused and not be sure if you’re telling them to sit or calling their name.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel face

Short names are better than long ones

A long dog name might be unique and funny (think Alexandria Barkcasio Cortez), but it will be hard to say quickly in a tight spot. You want to pick a name you can shout and say like you’re giving your dog a command. If your dog puts something toxic in their mouth or runs towards traffic, you’d want to call their name in a sharp, commanding manner. That might be hard with a long name. There is a good reason dogs usually have short, easy-to-pronounce names.

Test the name

Some dog names might sound great in your head or on paper, but they simply don’t roll over the tongue nicely. Before you definitely decide on a particular name, it would be a good idea to test the name out. See how it sounds to people around you, and try repeating it a few times. Try yelling the name because that is something most dog owners have to do.

Here are some of our favorite Cavalier King Charles Spaniel names;

Female Cavalier King Charles Spaniel names

Female Cavalier King Charles Spaniel names

Male Cavalier King Charles Spaniel names

Male Cavalier King Charles Spaniel names

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