Reasons Why Dog Stomach Is Making Noises

Reasons Why Dog Stomach Is Making Noises

Author WDF Staff


Stomach noises are a normal part of the life of dogs and humans. The scientific term for that is borborygmi, and dogs can experience it the same way we can. Some owners aren’t familiar with the sound, and they can get scared or flustered by the loudness of their dog’s stomach making noises. Most of the time, it is entirely normal and nothing to be too worried about.

There are many reasons why a dog’s stomach might be making noises. Sometimes, the reasons are the same as in humans. When we are hungry or simply digesting the food we consumed, our stomachs can make a lot of noise. Most of the time, it isn’t even the stomach that is making noises - it is the intestines. Here is what you should know about your dog’s stomach making noises.

Most common reasons for dog stomach making noises

Like we already mentioned, there are many reasons a dog’s stomach can make noises. Here are some of the most common reasons for hearing noises from your dog’s stomach.


Just like in humans, the dog’s stomach will make noises when they are hungry. The dog’s intestines will be empty, so the movement of their gastrointestinal tract will cause noises. Hunger noises can be loud, and if you don’t know anything about them, you can easily get surprised by them.

The hunger stomach noises your dog is producing will mainly occur in the morning before breakfast and in the evening before their dinner. It is the exact same with us - when you have gone a long time without food, your stomach will make sure you hear an alarm that’s saying, “Hey, how about we throw something in there?”

This is usually nothing to worry about, and the stomach noises will stop as soon as your dog eats something. Again, it is exactly the same as with our stomachs.

dog laying on the street


The most common reason dog’s stomach makes noises is because of digestion. They are processing the food they ate, and some noises are expected. It is important to know that these noises are a lot less loud than those a hungry stomach will make.

During the digestion process in your dog’s stomach and intestines, the food gets broken down. It doesn’t get broken down into smaller pieces but all the way to molecules. During that process, plenty of gasses will get released. These gasses and the food move around the dog’s gastrointestinal tract, and some noises are entirely expected. You can easily check how that sounds by placing an ear on your dog’s belly and listen to their digestion. You can notice that it won’t be long until you hear some noises coming from your dog’s stomach and intestines.

These noises will get more intense if the dog eats more food after having a completely empty stomach. More gasses will form, and gasses are responsible for most sounds we can hear in our or our dog’s stomach. If your dog hasn’t eaten in a while, it would be best to feed them smaller meals every couple of hours. This is especially true for dogs that are recovering from a disease or surgery.


Another common reason your dog’s stomach might be making noises is that they ingested too much air while eating or drinking. Some dogs seem like they inhale their food. That is not the best behavior. During their meal, they will inhale air that will get trapped in their GI tract. The excess trapped air can cause them some discomfort and burps.

dog getting belly rubs

This could become a problem, so it would be a good idea to make your dog eat slower. You can achieve that by getting your dog a slow-feeding bowl. If you don’t know what that is, you can check this article for more info - Best slow-feeding bowls.

Could dog stomach noises be a sign of anything dangerous?

Unfortunately, yes. While most dog stomach noises are harmless and just a sign your dog is digesting food or hungry. However, some stomach noises in dogs can be associated with health issues. However, serious health issues will have many other symptoms far more worrying and sinister than stomach noises. The most common health issues stomach noises can point to are vomiting or diarrhea.

Suppose your dog ate something that is not entirely agreeing with their digestion or stomach. In that case, you might hear some noises coming from their gastrointestinal tract. If that happens, it is a good idea to take them for a short walk because nobody wants to clean their home from a messy dog digestive issue.

Stomach noises can be associated with intestinal parasites, GI diseases, disorders, and swallowing an inedible foreign object. Dogs that often eat grass or dirt are especially susceptible to parasites and GI upsets. You can never be entirely sure if the dirt or grass is contaminated with anything unhealthy or toxic. The best thing you can do is prevent your dog from eating things that are not food or treats.

There is a very dangerous and possibly deadly health issue with dog stomachs dog owners should be aware of. Check out this article for more info - Bloat in dogs.

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