Beste Wachhunde

Presa Canario

The Presa Canario is a rare large Molosser-type dog breed also called Dogo Canario and is the animal symbol of the island of Gran Canaria. According to historian Agustín Millares Torres research, thes...
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The Puli is a small-medium ancient sheepdog from Hungary. The breed was used for herding and guarding livestock. The Puli worked together with the much larger, white Komondor guardian dog. When wolves...
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Pyrenäen Berghund

The Great Pyrenees is a large breed of guardian dog. This is very old breed used for hundreds of years by shepherds and one of the first descriptions of the breed dates dates from 1407. The real sprea...
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Pyrenean Mastiff

The Pyrenean Mastiff is a large breed of dog originally from the Aragonese Pyrenees in Spain. The breeds main function was to guard and protect herds and its masters from the attacks of wolves, bears...
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Rafeiro do Alentejo

The Rafeiro do Alentejo is also called the Portuguese Mastiff. This is a large breed of dog that originated in Portugal. Rafeiro do Alentejo are of the very ancient molosser type that migrated with hu...
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The Giant Schnauzer is a working dog breed developed in the 1600s somewhere in Germany. It is the biggest of the three Schnauzer breeds, the other two breeds are the Standard and the Miniature Schnauz...
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The Rottweiler were known in German as Rottweiler Metzgerhund, meaning Rottweil butchers' dogs. Although still used to herd stock in many parts of the world, Rottweilers are now also used as search an...
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Rumänischer Bukowina Schäferhund

Southeastern European Shepherd also known as The Bucovina Shepherd, and is one of the largest and most powerful rustic livestock guardian dogs. It is a natural guard breed with its origin in the Carpa...
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Russisch-Europäischer Laïka

The Russian-European Laika is a Spitz type hunting dog originating from taiga regions of European Russia and Finland. This dog is a descendant of the Karelian Bear Laika, which doesn’t exist today in...
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Russischer Schwarzer Terrier

The Black Russian Terrier is a breed of dog created in USSR during the late 1940s and the early 1950s for use as military/working dogs. Today Black Russian Terrier is a working dog, guarding dog, spor...
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Serra da Estrela Berghund

The Estrela Mountain Dog is a large dog breed whose purpose was to guard homes and herds in the Estrela Mountains, Portugal. This breed comes in two varieties, long-haired (Group 2, Section 2.2 #173a)...
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Slowakischer Tschuvatsch

The Slovensky Cuvac is a Slovak breed of dog, bred as a livestock guard dog. This breed is a good watchdog, guard, shepherd and companion, the Cuvac proved itself also in watching cattle, turkeys and...
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Spanischer Mastiff

The Spanish mastiff is a giant breed of dog, originating in Spain. It appeared on the Iberian Peninsula before the Roman invasion, brought by the Greeks and Phoenicians. Originally it was bred to be a...
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Spanischer Wasserhund

The Spanish Water Dog is an ancient breed and there are many different theories about its origin and history. In Spain, the Water Dog was primarily used for herding sheep and goats. They are known to...
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Staffordshire Bull Terrier

Staffordshire Bull Terrier was created in 19th-century Britain to be a small, fast fighting dog. He was used for blood sports such as bull baiting, bear baiting and cock fighting. Dogs were set upon...
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Südrussischer Ovtcharka

The South Russian Ovcharka, also known as a Ukrainian Shepherd Dog, or South Russian Sheepdog, is a sheepdog from the Ukrainian steppes between the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov. Those dogs were used...
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Tatra Schäferhund

The Polish Tatra Sheepdog is a dog breed brought into the Tatra Mountains of Southern Poland by Vlachian shepherds. This breed are primarily considered as livestock guardian dogs. Their instinct, thro...
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Thailand Ridgeback

The origin of the Thai Ridgeback is undocumented, but the breed was developed in eastern Thailand. The Thai Ridgeback is one of only three breeds that has a ridge of hair that runs along its back in t...
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The Tosa is a breed of dog of Japanese origin that is considered rare. It was originally bred in Tosa as a fighting dog. Tosa is only breed still legally used in Japanese dog fighting. In some countri...
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Uruguayischer Cimarron

The Cimarrón Uruguayo is the only native breed to Uruguay. The Uruguayan Cimarron is a large Mastiff-type dog that is very muscular and athletic. Today, this multi-purpose dog is mainly a family compa...
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Westsibirischer Laïka

The West Siberian Laika or WSL, is a breed of hunting dog and a breed of spitz type. Laikas, occurring on Russian territory, belong to northern primitive breeds retaining traits of their wild ancestor...
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