Czechoslovakian Wolfdog
Czechoslovakian Wolfdog is a primitive dog that resembles a wolf in his appearance. This dog is a mix of a modern German shepherd and the Carpathian wolf. These dogs are extremely brave, intelligent, and loyal to their owner. Besides these characteristics, they have excellent senses including hearing and sense of smell.
It is pretty hard to distinguish Czechoslovakian Wolfdogs from real wolves because of their dense and insulating coat. These dogs are very active and they have great endurance and stamina.
FUN FACT: This dog is also known as Czechoslovakian Vlcak.
Czechoslovakian Wolfdogs were originally bred for border patrol in their native country - Czechoslovakia during the 1950s. Today they are mostly used for search and rescue, agility, obedience, herding, etc. Because of their working habits, they are an excellent choice for active people who loves to enjoy spending time outdoors doing various activities such as hiking, running, etc.

23-25 in (60-65 cm)

44-57 lb (20-26 kg)


Life Expectancy:
10-15 years
Dog Breed Characteristics
Czechoslovakian Wolfdog is accepted in many cynological associations, including FCI and the AKC. Standard says that these dogs are lively and very active, and docile, with quick reactions. Their head is symmetrical and muscular. In appearance, they are similar to the wolfs.
Czechoslovakian Wolfdog Grooming
Czechoslovakian Wolfdog has a weather-resistant coat that cleans itself naturally from any dirt. These dogs will shed heavily twice a year during shedding season when daily brushing is advised. Because during the winter, they have thicker and heavier coats, they will need to be brushed more often than during hot summer days when their coat is shorter and thinner.
The rest is basic care: trim their nails when they grow to avoid cracking and splitting, check their ears for any sign of redness or a bad odor, and brush their teeth regularly.
As we already mentioned, this is a working and athletic dog breed, so they have a high amount of energy that needs to be properly spent. With these dogs, you will have to work together. If you think that you can let them off leash and expect they will entertain themself and spend their energy, you're mistaken. You will have to take your dog swimming, hiking, or any dog sport to be sure that he will be happy and that he will spend all his energy.
FUN FACT: Most of the Czechoslovakian wolfdogs have to be taught how to bark.
Czechoslovakian Wolfdog is a dominant and independent dog that requires proper and consistent training. Because they are highly intelligent they get bored very quickly and because of that, you will have to mentally stimulate your dog to be sure that he will participate in training. They don't like repetitive exercise tasks.
This dog is not recommended for the first-time owner. Socialization is a must with this dog to be sure that he will grow up into a well-rounded dog with whom you will not have any problems later in life. They are dominant and because of that, you should never let them off-leash.
Czechoslovakian Wolfdog and kids
These dogs are not recommended for families with small children. They are very territorial, and they are best suited for older kids who know how to communicate with such dogs. This is where socialization plays a big part, and if you establish leadership your dog will quickly learn how to communicate with his own family.
But, keep in mind that no matter how good and obedient your dog is, you should always supervise playtime between the dog and the kids.
Czechoslovakian Wolfdog and other pets
Czechoslovakian Wolfdog can get along with other pets in the household if they are raised together, but also this is where socialization plays an important role. With the animals outside his house, he will in most cases, not get along because he has tendencies to chase smaller animals. Regarding other dogs, Czechoslovakian Wolfdog's behavior depends from dog to dog.
Czechoslovakian Wolfdogs are very dominant and territorial and can become aggressive, but in most cases, they will get along with other dogs since they like other dogs as company.
Health problems
Czechoslovakian Wolfdog is a very healthy dog breed that has far fewer health problems compared to other purebred dogs. The most common health problem with this dog breed is hip dysplasia. To be sure you get a healthy dog, always buy him from an official dog breeder who will test his breeding dogs and who will not mate dogs that have bad hip dysplasia grades.
That is why it's important that you always ask the breeder how you health certificates of his breeding dogs.
There are some recommended health tests you could perform on your dog to be sure he is healthy:
- hip and elbow dysplasia test,
- cardiac evaluation,
- degenerative myelopathy,
- eye examination.
Czechoslovakian Wolfdog Breeders
Before searching for Czechoslovakian Wolfdog breeders, make sure this is the right dog breed for you. You don't want to end up with a dog you can control or a dog that you will not have time to take care of. These dogs require your time, patience, and will, but if you decide to buy this dog and work with him you can be sure to end up with a great family companion.
When contacting breeders, always ask for the health certificates of both parents to be sure that you will end up with a healthy puppy. Since these dogs are not widely popular, be prepared that you will be placed on the waiting list but don't because of that go and buy a dog from an irresponsible dog breeder because you will, in most cases, end up with a puppy who will have a lot of problems as he grows up.
Waiting for a dog from an official and responsible breeder is always worth it.
World Dog Finder team
Updated at31.08.2023.
Breed History
The experiment with this dog breed started in 1955 when they crossed German Shepherd with the Carpathian wolf. They realized that this is possible and in 1965 after the experiment ended, they made a plan for continuing breeding of this new breed. The purpose of this was to establish the best characteristics of a wolf and dog and they managed to work that out.
Czechoslovakian Wolfdog was officially recognized as an official dog breed in 1982.