Informazioni su Prince of Sunlight Your Song

Neytiri is a strong girl, she was born from really unique lines.Her mother was my ukrainian bitch, who was coming from the best french lines.Her father lives in Italy, he was born from french, english and canadian lines. Neytiri is HD-A, MDR, DM, CEA carrier. Her photo was taken just a few days before her litter was born.

Genere Femmina


Pedigree Mopava Beethoven Black x Top Less Elegantia


Colore Tri-colored

Profilo dell'allevatore

Prince of Sunlight

Felsőpáhok, Hungary

Razze di cani:

  • Cane da Pastore Scozzese a pelo lungo
  • Cane da Pastore Scozzese Shetland


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