Informazioni sul allevamento

Our professional nursery PLEASURE OF LIFE, KSU-FCI, conducts purposeful and competent cultivation of SHIH TZU. We breed high-pedigree - really strong, healthy, anatomically correctly built, full-toothed and beautiful dogs with luxurious hair, with a good character and excellent exhibition temperament. All puppies are vaccinated and socialized, accustomed to all necessary procedures of toilet and hygiene. All puppies of nursery are grown up in house conditions, love and care not cellular, and not the open-air maintenance!When you purchase a puppy You get professional advice and support. On our website: You can get acquainted with our Pets, their children and offers for the sale of puppies. Our dogs always cheer up and relieve fatigue , if you want to make sure to get acquainted with our kids and You will never regret your choice..

Razze di cani

  • Carlino
  • Shih Tzu

L’indirizzo dove si spedisce il cane


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