Informazioni sul allevamento

Razze di cani

  • Biewer Terrier
  • Yorkshire Terrier
  • Pomerania

L’indirizzo dove si spedisce il cane

  • Asia
  • Europe
  • Europe (non-EU)
  • North America
  • South America


  • Agnes Avatar
    Agnes Juds
    2 anni fa
    Hello, I would like to buy a Yorkshire Terrier from you. Do you have any available? Kind Regards, Agnes

  • Lorraine Avatar
    Lorraine Lawless
    3 anni fa
    Hi, I write to you from Ireland. I would like to buy a Biewer Puppy. Would you please contact me if you plan to have a litter or when you have a litter of the beautiful Biewer Terrier? Thank you, Kind Regards, Lorraine

  • Lorraine Avatar
    Lorraine Lawless
    3 anni fa
    Hi, I write to you from Ireland. I would like to buy a Biewer Puppy. Would you please contact me if you plan to have a litter or when you have a litter of the beautiful Biewer Terrier? Thank you, Kind Regards, Lorraine

  • Lorraine Avatar
    Lorraine Lawless
    3 anni fa
    Hi, I write to you from Ireland. I would like to buy a Biewer Puppy. Would you please contact me if you plan to have a litter or when you have a litter of the beautiful Biewer Terrier? Thank you, Kind Regards, Lorraine

  • Lorraine Avatar
    Lorraine Lawless
    3 anni fa
    Hi, I write to you from Ireland. I would like to buy a Biewer Puppy. Would you would please contact me if you plan to have a litter or when you have a litter of the beautiful Biewer Terrier? Thank you, Kind Regards, Lorraine

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