Alaskan Klee Kai
Letzte Aktualisierung: Sep 07 2023
The Alaskan Klee Kai is a relatively young dog breed that belongs to the Spitz family of dog breeds. This lovely little breed is part of AKC Foundation Stock Service.
The Alaskan Klee Kai is similar to the Siberian Husky, who is their direct ancestor. The breeder that created the Klee Kai was a Husky lover but wanted a companion breed that won’t have a working pedigree and was more suited for a family pet.

Die Höhe:
33–43 cm

Das Gewicht:
2-10 kg

Der Ursprung:
Vereinigte Staaten

Die Lebenserwartung:
13-16 jahre
Die Hunderasse Eigenschaften
Das Energieniveau
Das Pflegebedürfnisse
Der Übungsbedarf
Die Trainings Fähigkeit
Die Intelligenz
Das Allgemeine Gesundheit