Angaben zum Zuchtbetrieb
The Best Models is home full of love .Our dogs are living with us like family members .From mine students days I am sharing life with yorkies ,smallest terriers with attitude that many big dogs could be jealous on. They are full of positive energy ,always ready for playing. Many years ago I sow pomeranian and I fell in love with that smallest geman spitz .It was love at first sight in poms ,small very emotional dogs with high IQ .We are proud to be first in Croatia who imported pom . Our first pom came from Sweaden famous kennel Noble Art and soon after mine big love multi ch. Aljens Isabella came from USA and colored mine life perfectly. We have many,multi ch . and generaly we are enjoying showing our dogs.
- Deutscher Spitz - keeshond
- Yorkshire Terrier
The Best Models Like an Angel
Zagreb, Croatia
Nicht anerkannte Rassen
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The Best Models Love is in the air
Zagreb, Croatia
Nicht anerkannte Rassen
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