Russkiy Toy
Letzte Aktualisierung: Aug 31 2023
The Russian Toy is one of the smallest breeds in the world. There are two types of coats in the breed: smooth coat and long coat. The smooth-coated variety, previously known as the Russian Toy Terrier and long-coated as the Moscow Long Haired Toy Terrier, both were brought together under the same Russian Toy Terrier name in 1988 and the "Terrier" was dropped from the name when the breed was added in 2006 to the official list of breeds registered with the FCI. The breed was nearly wiped out twice, first in 1920. and again in the 1990s. Until the 1990s, the breed was almost unknown outside of Russia. Russian Toys are usually very reserved with strangers, but very loyal to their owners.

Die Höhe:
20-28 cm

Das Gewicht:
1.3-2.7 kg

Der Ursprung:

Die Lebenserwartung:
12-14 jahre
Die Hunderasse Eigenschaften
Das Energieniveau
Das Pflegebedürfnisse
Der Übungsbedarf
Die Trainings Fähigkeit
Die Intelligenz
Das Allgemeine Gesundheit