Informationen zu Pinotto 1700 $
Pinotto comes from ancient working lines. He currently lives with goats, sheep and horses.
Good personality both with humans and other dogs.
Despite his young age he has already shown talent in the herd protection.
He's ready to be shipped to America, with documents: passport, pedigree, vaccinations.
For further information and to see other photos of our beautiful and talented boy please contact us via e-mail: [email protected]
Geburtsdatum 06.06.2021.
Geschlecht Männchen
Pedigree Young male for working purposes
Chip Ja
Farbe White
Gewicht 33 kg
Höhe 10 cm
- Central America/Antilla
- North America
- South America
Details für den Hundeversand
- America.
Nelia Da silva
vor 3 Jahren
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