Informationen zu Enormous Over the Moon
International Show Champion (C.I.E.), German VDH Champion, German Club Champion, Poland Champion, Poland Grand Champion, German VDH Junior Champion, German Club Junior Champion, Poland Junior Champion, Ukraina Junior Champion, Austria Winner Bundessieger - Tulln 2018, German Winner & BOS - Leipzig 2018, Poland Winner & BOB - Poznań 2018, Amsterdam Winner & BOS - Amsterdam 2017, VDH European Junior Winner & Best Junior - Dortmund Europasieger 2017, FCI European Junior Winner & Best Junior & BOS - European Winner Kiev 2017, Club Junior Winner of Hovawart Club Show - Tervakoski (Finland) 2017 (exc.1/24), German Junior Winner & Best Junior - Dortmund Bundessieger 2017, HerbstJugendSiegerin - Dortmund 2017, Poland Junior Winner & Best Junior & BOS - Poznań 2017, 4 x Crufts Quali, HD A, ED 0/0, free from genetic eyes and heart diseases
Geburtsdatum 13.08.2016.
Geschlecht Weibchen
Chip Nein
Farbe Black & Gold
Gewicht 38 kg
Höhe 64 cm
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