Informationen zu Charlie von Seklerland 1700 $
Charlie von Seklerland, a 2 years old german shepherd male, who is well trained, with BH exam. He likes to be in a family, with children. If somebody don`t want to work with a little puppy, but he/she wants an adult friend, Charlie is the best choice.
Geburtsdatum 04.08.2017.
Geschlecht Männchen
Chip Ja
Farbe Bi-Color
Gewicht 35 kg
Höhe 66 cm
- Africa
- Asia
- Central America/Antilla
- Europe
- Europe (non-EU)
- North America
- Oceania
- South America
Details für den Hundeversand
- all over the World, but the shipping price it isn`t included in the price.
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