Información relativa a Fawn For adoption

Hi, my name is Fawn and I am a Staffy x who is around 2 years old. I came into the rescue as a stray from the pound, so unfortunately there is no known history on me. I am a very sweet girl who is very bright and picks up things very quickly. I would love to go to a training class or perhaps have a go at agility, as my carers think I would do very well if I had something to put my mind too. I love my toys, and my favourite game is tug-o-war, but I can get very over the top and boisterous when playing. I would be looking for an adult only home, with owners who are experienced with the Staffys, as I have a lot of traits of this breed. i would also need to be the only pet in the household. If you think you could offer me a home, please come up and meet me.

Edad Adultos

Sexo Hembra


Color Fawn

Perfil de refugio de animales

happy paws

Birmingham, United Kingdom

Razas de perros:


  • Elkhiari Avatar
    Elkhiari Abdelali
    hace 5 años
    ready to adopt and promise good care , if you would send to Morocco Best regards

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