Datos relativos al criadero
We are known as the most reputable French Bulldog Breeder in San Diego! We love people we Love Pets we are professionals at Making Frenchie Dreams Come True! All our puppies come modern play pen crate and litter box trained. They are raised in our home and learn verbal commands! We have high standards in our breeding program with vet nose to tail vet checks on all puppies with microchipping come standard with puppy album AKC and custom carrying bag for your Frenchies important things. We started over 40 years ago training K-9 dogs for the Sherriff department and Bird dogs for the elite. We also have owned and managed public boarding, breeding and grooming facility. We’ve shown dogs in AKC sanctioned shows. We trained privately one on one, in home behavioral issues and group training classes! Our First dog owned was a world class Belgium Sieger show winner during the Cold War! The last 40 years we’ve handled and owned in our home around our programs 11 Rottweilers that were all pets accept two that were our working dogs. We have bred and shown many breeds in AKC and UKC sanctioned shows for confirmation and working titles. We won the San Diego Voice award for our pet article when it was in newspaper print. Our first Frenchie we purchased was over 10 years ago as a service dog was trained with public assess tags he is still with us here at FSL. What makes our program special is the professional training and life time knowledge we bring to our program. Every one of our frenchies are designed especially with pedigree with specialized DNA to create FSL designer Frenchies for you! Each one get in home specialized care, as we start their training from birth. We love people we love pets that’s why “Dog Gone It” we’ve almost done everything dog and bring the very best designer FSL Frenchies Thank you for visiting hope you have a wagging good day!
Razas de perros
- Bulldog Francés
Adonde el perro se envía
- North America
jason cleveland
hace 2 años
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