Datos relativos al criadero

Puppies are sold completely done Ears tails dewclaws shots and wormed. 40 plus years Breeding Showing training. Loving this breed Bred for size and temperament.

Razas de perros

  • Doberman

Adonde el perro se envía

En venta


Friendsville, United States




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En venta


Friendsville, United States




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  • jason Avatar
    jason cleveland
    hace 2 años
    Hey how are you doing. I'm Jason Cleveland , I'm checking if i could purchase your pup for pet use. I would like to know how old the pups is, health status with your location. Your price. If have pictures of the ones you have for sale to come to a new beautiful family Please do not hesitate to email me details to [email protected] I may not check back on here for a while would appreciate if you could use my email. Please get back to me. Jason

  • jason Avatar
    jason cleveland
    hace 2 años
    Hey how are you doing. I'm Jason Cleveland , I'm checking if i could purchase your pup for pet use. I would like to know how old the pups is, health status with your location. Your price. If have pictures of the ones you have for sale to come to a new beautiful family Please do not hesitate to email me details to [email protected] I may not check back on here for a while would appreciate if you could use my email. Please get back to me. Jason

  • jason Avatar
    jason cleveland
    hace 2 años
    Hey how are you doing. I'm Jason Cleveland , I'm checking if i could purchase your pup for pet use. I would like to know how old the pups is, health status with your location. Your price. If have pictures of the ones you have for sale to come to a new beautiful family Please do not hesitate to email me details to [email protected] I may not check back on here for a while would appreciate if you could use my email. Please get back to me. Jason

  • jason Avatar
    jason cleveland
    hace 2 años
    Hey how are you doing. I'm Jason Cleveland , I'm checking if i could purchase your pup for pet use. I would like to know how old the pups is, health status with your location. Your price. If have pictures of the ones you have for sale to come to a new beautiful family Please do not hesitate to email me details to [email protected] I may not check back on here for a while would appreciate if you could use my email. Please get back to me. Jason

  • Leslee Avatar
    Country Club
    hace 3 años
    Completely done Ears tails declaws shots and wormed

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