Dog breeds

If you are trying to find what dog breed is right for you, search our complete list of more than 400 dog breeds recognized by the FCI and AKC. Find detailed dog breed profiles that include breed description, characteristics, pictures and more. Explore the list and find a dog breed that suits you the best.

Lancashire Heeler

The Lancashire Heeler is a British dog breed used for herding and accompanying cattle to the market and keeping stables and farms rat and rodent-free. These versatile little dogs were also u...
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Lhasa Apso

The Lhasa Apso dogs have Tibetan origins, where they were praised as great watchdogs. Their first job was to guard monasteries in high Tibetan plains and mountainous regions. Today...
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Löwchen or Little Lion Dog is an outgoing, affectionate, and lively dog breed originally developed as a companion, and even today, these dogs fill that role. This is a rare do...
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